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About Actor Properties

Each actor has neutral (default) properties that are initially defined by its original import file (CAD properties). You can modify properties and save changes as the new neutral values.

  • When you select multiple actors, only their common properties are displayed.
  • Use the Ctrl key to select multiple properties, which is useful when filtering animation keys on properties.
  • Properties defined by styles are listed in property categories named Style (subscribed): style_name and are read-only. An asterisk (*) following the style name indicates that Real Time Refresh (Styles workshop) is disabled. See Styles Workshop.
  • CAD metadata and user-defined properties are listed under User properties. For details, see Meta-Properties.
  • All 2D measurements (such as border widths and 2D panel positions) are in millimeters. 3D measurements are in the document's units. See Units.
  • You can set properties as read-only by defining DisableMatchingProperties (Application Preferences - Advanced Settings). See Advanced Settings.
  • Most properties that cannot be animated are marked with . Properties dependent on other properties (for example, the annotation Text property) are also unanimatable but are not marked with . Keys for unanimatable properties are always created at time=0, regardless of the current timebar location, and apply to the entire animation.
  • In animation mode, properties with at least one animation key are marked with . Changing the neutral property value has no effect on the animation.

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