Most collaborative actors can be associated with geometry actors. For example, when you create a label, click a geometry actor when placing the first anchor point to attach the label to the actor. Moving the geometry actor also moves the label. You can move the label independently to reposition it, but moving the geometry actor still moves the label.
- You can associate some collaborative actors with multiple actors. For example, you can attach the start point of an arrow to one actor and the end point to another.

- You can change actor association by dragging the collaborative actor
anchor to a different geometry actor. - You
must associate some collaborative actors, such as measurements, with one or more actors.
The following collaborative actors are never associative: 3D panels, polylines, custom grids, custom coordinate systems.
- Regarding
2D panels (image 2D, vector image 2D, text 2D):
You can associate 2D panels with geometry actors using the
Attach property. However, moving a geometry actor does not move associated panels.
- If you create a label on a 2D panel, and then want to delete the 2D panel associated with the label, you should be aware that the position of the label in the 3D will be lost, and you will no longer be able to select its attach line.
You can select all collaborative actors with broken associations with the
Select Actors with Broken Associations right-click command.