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The Camera page lets you set camera preferences.

Default perspective

Defines the perspective angle when in perspective mode. In perspective mode, actor sizes depend on their distance from the camera viewpoint. Perspective mode is the view normally seen by the eye. Parallel lines recede into the distance to a vanishing point.

45 degrees180 degrees
Orthogonal mode eliminates the effect of distance from the camera (actor sizes remain constant).

Minimum FPSDefines the minimum number of frames per second (fps), between 0 and 30. During navigation, the 3D kernel adapts the level of detail to respect the fps.
Free rotation (no constraints) Eliminates vertical constraint during rotation.
Tip: You can also enable free rotation by pressing Ctrl while rotating ( Ctrl+right mouse button).
InertiaCauses the camera to continue moving after rotating or panning the model. The faster you rotate or pan the model, the more it moves when you stop.
Navigation mode common to all viewport panes Uses the same navigation mode for all panes of a document viewport. To use different modes (for example, to use Rotate Mode in one pane and Pan Mode in another), clear this option.
Tip: To create multiple viewport panes, click Window > Viewport > Layout .
Note: This option does not affect viewports of different documents.
Volatile navigation mode (auto-revert to selection mode)Enables Select Mode automatically after using another mode ( Pan, Rotate, Zoom). To retain the last mode you selected, clear this option.
Keyboard navigationEnables the Pan increment and Rotate and roll increment options, which let you specify the increment values used to pan, rotate, and roll using keyboard shortcuts.
Pan incrementSpecifies the increment value used to pan using Ctrl+arrow keys. The default value is 5 pixels.
Rotate and roll incrementSpecifies the increment value used to rotate using Shift+arrow keys and to roll using Alt+arrow keys. The default value is 1.00 degree.

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