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The Input page lets you customize how Composer loads models.

Check original file changesTranslates only if the CAD file changed since the last translation.

Composer and Sync create a checksum when they translate a CAD file to a Composer file and store the checksum in the .smgGeom file. If the same CAD file is translated again, the application checks this checksum and performs the translation only if the CAD file changed. The translation log file indicates whether the translation occurred:

  • Translation skipped: "Up-to-date ==> not overwritten"
  • Translation occurred: "Not up-to-date ==> need to overwrite"
Open .smg if it existsWhen opening a CAD file, opens the Composer .smg file instead if one is found with the same name in the same folder. This option avoids translation of the CAD file to Composer format, which improves load time. To re-translate the CAD file (for example, if the model has changed), remove or rename the .smg file or clear this option.
Always generate .smg when loading CAD files Saves the Composer .smg file automatically when you open a CAD file. For quicker load time in future Composer sessions, open the .smg instead of the CAD file.
Compute construction edges on loadingComputes construction edges when loading a CAD file. This option is useful for rendering modes with outlines but without construction edges. For example, to render Smooth with Outline mode but without Construction Edges, Composer must calculate outlines and construction edges to suppress construction edges. If construction edges are already computed, rendering is faster.
Note: This option increases load time. If construction edges are not calculated on loading, they are calculated when necessary.
Delete Thumbnail History for Open PreviewDeletes temporary folders and thumbnails, which frees disk space and memory. The thumbnails are displayed on the Open dialog box for models that have been previously opened. Thumbnails are regenerated when needed.
Delete Temporary FilesDeletes all temporary files from the default Composer work folder. You cannot have any files open in Composer. By default, temporary files are deleted automatically after 15 days.
SOLIDWORKS versionSpecifies which SOLIDWORKS version to run (when multiple versions are installed). Select Auto detect when you have only one version.

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