Per-pixel lighting | Configures per-pixel lighting (PPL), also known as Phong shading. When enabled, Composer displays shaded surfaces based on the color and illumination at each pixel. PPL can improve lighting of models with poor tessellation. For details, see
Per-pixel lighting in Viewport Properties.
Choose the effect status:
Enabled - Enabled for all documents.
Disabled - Disabled for all documents.
Use document settings - Obey the
viewport property.
 |  | Disabled | Enabled
| Configures shadow mapping. When enabled, geometry actors cast and receive shadows, making rendering for lighted scenes more realistic. For details, see
Shadows in Viewport Properties.
Choose the effect status:
Enabled - Enabled for all documents.
Disabled - Disabled for all documents.
Use document settings - Obey the
viewport property.
 |  | Disabled | Enabled |
Ambient occlusion
| Configures the ambient occlusion (AO) shading effect. When enabled, surfaces take into account light attenuation from nearby actors. For details, see
Ambient occlusion in Viewport Properties.
Choose the effect status:
Enabled - Enabled for all documents.
Disabled - Disabled for all documents.
Use document settings - Obey the
viewport property.
 |  | Disabled | Enabled |
Depth of field | Configures depth of field (DOF) behavior. When enabled, portions of the scene away from the camera focal point appear blurred. For details, see
Depth of field in Viewport Properties.
Choose the effect status:
Enabled - Enabled for all documents.
Disabled - Disabled for all documents.
Use document settings - Obey the
Depth of field viewport property.
Disabled | Enabled
| Configures model anti-aliasing.
Anti-aliasing smooths rough edges (jaggies) to give the appearance of higher resolution by taking into account how much an ideal edge overlaps adjacent pixels. For details, see
Anti-Aliasing Tab.
 |  | Disabled
| Enabled |
Hardware Anti-aliasing
| Enables real-time hardware multisample anti-aliasing (MSAA) to increase the quality of 3D and 2D images. Select
Disable to disable MSAA, or select a sampling resolution:
16, or
32 samples. Higher values produce better results but can degrade performance. The recommended value is 8, but the optimal value is hardware-dependent. If you select a value higher than your graphics card supports, the highest supported value is used.
- Even when supported by your graphics card,
32 samples might require more video memory than is available. The result is a black viewport. To resolve the problem, reduce the sampling resolution or disable hardware MSAA.
HardwareSupport.Advanced must be enabled. See Advanced Settings