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The Viewport page lets you manage viewport settings.

You can set these properties both for the active document and as document defaults.

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This section lets you manage general viewport settings.

Command Name Description
Back culling Enables back faces rendering. Back culling increases speed when activated. Back culling is disabled by default; some front faces might disappear when model faces are not well oriented.
Note: This setting cannot be configured from Sync.
BOM table Displays the bill of materials (BOM) table in the viewport.
Note: This setting cannot be configured from Sync.
Ground Displays the ground actor, which adds realism to the scene.
Note: This setting cannot be configured from Sync.
Texture path (Available when Ground is selected.) Specifies the ground image file path.
Note: This setting cannot be configured from Sync.
Ghost opacity

Specifies the transparency for ghost rendering, from 0 (transparent) to 128 (translucent).

Note: You cannot select ghosted actors in the viewport.

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Render mode (Visible when a specific environment variable has been created.)

Defines the render mode used to display actors in the viewport.

  • This setting is hidden by default. To make it visible, you must create an environment variable, DS_3DVC_OVERRIDE_RENDER_MODE, and set its value to 1.
  • Composer documents generated from Sync do not contain this setting. Once a document is opened in Composer, the render mode defined in the (default) document properties will be applied when saving the file.
Note: This setting cannot be configured from Sync.


This section lets you manage outline settings.

Command Name Description
Minimum angle

Specifies the minimum angle between two face planes that defines a sharp-edge outline. Smaller values produce more lines.

5 100
Tip: The Outline > Minimum angle property (Properties pane) sets the outline angle per geometry actor.

Same outline color for all actors Sets the default outline color for all actors to the selected color. Set Outline > Color (Properties pane) to changes per-actor outline colors. To use outline colors based on actor colors, clear this option.

Vertical axis

This section lets you manage vertical axis settings.

Command Name Description
Vertical axis Determines the default vertical axis after loading. The vertical axis is used to facilitate navigation and to position the ground. The vertical axis is saved in the Composer file.
Note: This setting cannot be configured from Sync.

Custom camera views

You can define up to four custom camera view orientations using a spherical coordinate system (polar angles) to define camera position.

Note that Composer uses the best camera rotation to keep verticality of the viewport.

Command Name Description
Name Specifies the name of the custom view, as listed under Home > Navigate > Align Camera .
Theta Θ Specifies the longitude angle (the angle in the X-Y plane about the Z axis).
Phi Φ Specifies the latitude angle (the elevation above or below the X-Y plane).
Ortho Creates an orthogonal view. Orthogonal views eliminate the effect of distance from the viewpoint (actor sizes remain constant). To create a perspective view, clear this option.

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