Update View |
See toolbar command. |
Update Views with Selected Actors |
See toolbar command. |
N/A |
Delete Unused Properties |
Removes all properties that duplicate the neutral (default)
values from all normal views. This command does not affect custom
views. Use this command before publishing documents to reduce file
size and increase performance. Notes:
Using this
command during document development can affect view behavior.
For example:
- Start with an actor with blue neutral color.
properties are part of the actor definition and are
not stored in view definitions.
- Make the actor red.
- Create a view.
The view stores the non-neutral red
color property. The neutral color is still
- Set red as the neutral color ( Set as Neutral
Properties command).
- Right-click in the Views pane click Delete
Unused Properties.
Because the view's
color property matches the neutral value (both red),
the red property is deleted from the view
- Make the actor green and set green as the neutral color,
but do not update the view definition.
- Make the actor purple without updating the view
- Activate the view (for example, drag it into the
viewport), and click No when
prompted to create a new view.
The actor turns green
because the view does not define a color to override
the neutral value set in step 6. However, if you
skip step 5, the actor turns red because the view
captured the non-neutral red property in step 3.
N/A |
Add Collection |
Creates a new collection. |
N/A |
Delete Collection |
Deletes the selected collection. When you delete a collection,
all the views inside the collection are added to the collection
above it. |
N/A |
Rename Collection |
Renames the collection. |
N/A |
Activate Collection |
Activates the collection. Any new view created through
Create View, Create Camera
View, or through the Views workshop is added to the
active collection. |
N/A |
Deactivate Collection |
Deactivates the collection. If any collection is deactivated,
then the first collection is activated by default. There is always
one active collection in the Views pane. Note:
Deactivating a collection does not delete any
N/A |
Expand All |
Expands all collections. |
N/A |
Collapse All |
Collapses all collections. |
N/A |
Copy Views |
Copies the selected views, which you can then paste to create new
views. |
N/A |
Paste Views |
Pastes the previously copied views. Note:
You cannot
paste views outside of Composer.
N/A |
Views |
Creates a new view by merging the selected views. If two views
have the same properties with different values, the values of the
first selected view are used. To create a new view by merging views,
select two or more views, right-click the selection, and then click
Merge Views. Merging normal and custom
views follow the same rules.
Create Empty
View |
Creates a blank view to use as a starting point for merging
views. Create an empty view and then drag views onto the empty view.
Delete Views |
Deletes the selected views. |
N/A |
Delete All
Views |
Deletes all views. |
N/A |
Rename View |
Renames the selected view. |
N/A |
Export Views |
Exports the selected views to a .smgView
file for reuse in other projects. |
N/A |
Import Views |
Imports views into the active document. Actor identification is
based on GUIDs (as specified by Ident in the
.smgView file). In the Import Views dialog
box, select Force resolution to match with
some portion of the GUID. For example, if the a view GUID is a.b.c,
you can apply it to the sub-product "c" only. |
N/A |
Lock Views |
Locks the selected views. You cannot modify the View properties
if the view is locked. |
N/A |
Unlock Views |
Unlocks the selected views. |
N/A |
Go to View |
Displays the selected view in the viewport.
N/A |
Create Image 2D
Panel |
Creates thumbnail images linked to the selected views by creating
Image 2D panels with view:// event links.
Panels are placed in the upper-left corner of the viewport or paper
space. To update the panel image when the view changes, select the
panel and click Update in the High Resolution
Image workshop. See High Resolution Image Workshop.
To specify a completely different image, change the panel's
Map path property (Properties pane).
N/A |
Create Link to View |
Links the selected actors to the selected view by creating
view:// event links.
View Mode |
Switches between view and animation modes.
N/A |
Thumbnails |
Makes the view thumbnails larger. You can also press
+ to enlarge thumbnails. |
N/A |
Thumbnails |
Makes the view thumbnails smaller. You can also press
- to reduce thumbnails. |