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Camera Properties

You can set camera properties in the Properties pane.

To select a camera, expand Cameras in the Collaboration pane and click a camera. You can also select cameras in the viewport. See the Home > Navigate > Attach Camera ribbon commands for commands to create, attach, and detach cameras.

Category Description



Specifies the actor name. This name appears in the Collaboration or Assembly tree and is the default tooltip text.


Specifies the color of the camera icon in the viewport and camera keys in the timeline.

(Not available when Arcball is selected.) Allows the camera to rotate about the z-axis (twisting movement) to track its target.
(Not available when Arcball is selected.) Allows the camera to rotate about the x-axis (up-down movement) to track its target.
(Not available when Arcball is selected.) Allows the camera to rotate about the y-axis (side-to-side movement) to track its target.
Lock distance to target
(Not available when Arcball is selected.) Freezes the distance between the camera and its target. Translating the target also translates the camera to maintain the Distance to target value.
Distance to target
(Available when Lock distance to target is selected.) Specifies the distance between the camera and its target, in document length units.
(Available when Path is Linear.) Creates curved camera paths by creating arcs centered on target points. Target paths are linear. Use this mode to rotate around a center of interest.
  • Arcball interpolation requires the same number of camera (center) and target keys, else simple linear interpolation is used.
  • The displayed animation path does not show arcball curves (the paths appear linear), but the camera does follow curved paths during animation.
Specifies the type of animation path between camera keys. To see the animation path, select the camera. The blue dashed line is the camera path and the yellow dashed line is the camera target path. Red dots ( ) correspond to camera keys.
  • Linear - Creates straight-line camera and target paths.

  • Linear with Arcball - Creates curved camera paths. See Arcball for details.
  • Custom - Creates configurable curved camera paths (Bézier curves). To change the path shape, drag the blue anchors. Target paths are linear.

  • Smooth - Creates curved camera and target paths (cubic Hermite splines). Path, rotation, and speed are optimized to produce smooth animations. Use this mode to create realistic walk-through animations. For best results, define at least four keys because the path at any point is calculated using the two preceding and the two following keys.

Tip: You can also set the camera path type from the ribbon ( Animate > Paths > Camera Path ).

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