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Compass Properties

You can set compass properties in the Properties pane.

To select the compass, click Environment > Compass in the Collaboration pane.

You can also select the compass in the viewport by dragging a selection box, but only if the compass is the only actor selected. To move the compass, select it and drag the icon.

CategoryProperty / Description
Geometry path
Specifies a Composer model to use as the compass. Click the ellipsis and select a geometry file ( .smgGeom). For example, you might set the compass to a helicopter model to better visualize the engine orientation.

  • You cannot change camera views by clicking the compass. Only the default compass is clickable.
  • The compass is always gray because geometry files do not contain properties.
  • For best performance, use the Merge Geometry command or Simplification workshop to create a geometry file with as few actors as possible.
  • Because geometry files do not support instances, use the Merge Geometry command before creating .smgGeom files for models containing instances.
  • You cannot specify a geometry file named 'product' ( product.smgGeom).
After selecting the compass model, you can align the compass to any axis in the viewport:
  1. Select the compass.
  2. Click the compass axis to align: x-axis (red) or y-axis (green).
  3. Click the model axis to align to.

Reset size and position
Sets compass size and position to the defaults. Click Proceed to reset.
Enables compass interactivity; clicking the compass changes camera position. When cleared, the compass displays camera orientation but is not clickable. Clear this option to avoid changing camera orientation accidentally when the compass is near other actors.
Note: Only the default compass has interactivity. A compass with Geometry path specified is not clickable.
Fixed in viewport
Makes the compass size absolute (in pixels) regardless of viewport size. To make compass size change as viewport width changes, clear this option.
(Available when Fixed in viewport is cleared.) Specifies the compass size relative to the viewport size, from 0 (not visible) to 1 (full viewport width). The compass changes size when you change the viewport width.
Size (pixels)
(Available when Fixed in viewport is selected.) Specifies the compass size in pixels.

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