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Debug Properties

Debug properties give information about the selected actor, or the model if the background is selected, that can aid debugging.

To display debug properties in the Properties pane, select Debug information > ShowDebugPropertiesInPropertiesPane (Application Preferences - Advanced Settings page).

Property / Description
CAD source file
(Available when the background is selected.) Specifies the source file path of the model. This file is used by default by File > Update > Composer Document.
Class name
Specifies the internal actor description.
Node Type
Specifies the node type, such as part, product, or assembly.
Note: Node type classification applies to SOLIDWORKS and Pro/ENGINEER files only and requires Composer 2010x or later. Composer documents created from other CAD formats or using older Composer versions only have Default node types.
Specifies additional dynamic information about the actor type.
Specifies the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the selected actor as specified in the .smgXml file.
Net Guid
Specifies the concatenation of the GUIDs from the root to the selected actor. This is a unique identifier.
Geometry ID
Specifies the geometry ID of the selected actor. When actors in the .smgXml file have geometry, the link between .smgXml and .smgGeom is base on this ID ( IdentGeom=" id" in the .smgXml file).
Path Rel. InstanceOf
Specifies the relative path of the referenced .smgXml. This is only visible when a fully-shattered (red) assembly group is selected.
Path Abs. InstanceOf
Specifies the absolute path of the referenced .smgXml. This is only visible when a fully-shattered (red) assembly group is selected.
Path Issued from
Specifies the name of the original CAD file the selected actor is from.
Path Ref ext geom
Categorizes the list of parameters.
Shows whether the selected actor is loaded in the 3D scene.

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