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Ground Properties

You can set ground properties in the Properties pane.

To select the ground actor, do one of the following:

  • In the Collaboration pane, click Environment > Ground .
  • In the viewport, drag a selection box without selecting any other actors.

To show or hide the ground actor, do one of the following:

  • In the Collaboration pane, click the Environment > Ground check box.
  • On the ribbon, click Render > Ground > Ground .
  • In the viewport, press Ctrl+G.

CategoryProperty / Description
Specifies the name of the ground actor, Ground by default.
Auto fit
Displays additional options to size and position the ground automatically.
Tip: When the ground actor is selected, you can resize, rotate, and reposition the ground by dragging the handles in the viewport.

Auto size
(Available when Auto fit is selected.) Sizes the ground automatically to fit the visible actors.
Auto center
(Available when Auto fit is selected.) Centers the ground automatically to fit the visible actors.
Auto height
(Available when Auto fit is selected.) Positions the ground automatically so visible actors are resting on it.
Set height on geometry
Positions the ground so visible actors are resting on it.
(Available when Auto size is cleared.) Specifies the ground diameter.
Ground texture
Specifies the ground color.
Specifies the ground opacity.
Ground texture
Specifies an image files to apply to the ground.
Specifies the magnification of the ground texture
Ground mirror
Displays reflections of geometry actors on the ground. You can also show or hide the mirror from the ribbon ( Render > Ground > Mirror ).
  • The mirror does not reflect actors such as annotations, outlines, cutting planes, and Digger.
  • Requires Advanced OpenGL hardware acceleration. See Advanced.
Reflection intensity
Specifies mirror image opacity.

Blurs mirror reflections by applying a Gaussian filter. Blurring the mirror can improve the viewing experience by better differentiating the model from its reflection.

No Blur Blur

Ground shadow
Ground shadow
Displays shadows of geometry actors on the ground. You can also show or hide the shadow from the ribbon ( Render > Ground >Shadow ).
Soft shadowing
Specifies shadow sharpness.
Ground grid
Ground grid
Displays a grid on the ground. You can also show or hide the grid from the ribbon ( Render > Ground > Grid ).
Specifies the grid color.
Specifies the grid opacity.
Ratio grid/ground
Specifies the relative size of the grid. To make the grid exactly cover the ground, specify 100. Smaller values limit the grid to a portion of the ground. Larger values extend the grid beyond the ground.
Step X/Y
Specifies the size of each grid cell.
Ground border
Show border
Displays a border at the ground edge of the color you specify.
Fall off
Specifies how quickly the ground color fades as it approaches the edge. If Show border is selected, the border color grows in intensity as the ground color fades.
Specifies the border color.

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