N/A | - Name
Specifies the actor name. This name appears in the Collaboration or Assembly tree and is the default tooltip text.
- Type of light
Specifies the light type:
Positional, or
- On/off
Enables/disables each light source separately.
- Intensity
Specifies the intensity of each light source.
- Display in animation
Uses a light source in an animation.
Color | - Ambient color
- Specifies the color of the ambiance of the scene. Ambient light is applied to the whole scene in all directions.

- Diffuse color
- Specifies the color of the diffuse light source. Diffuse light has rays that are randomly reflected in many directions.

- Specular color
Specifies the color of the specular light source. Specular light is the direct (mirror-like) reflection of a light source on a 3D actor.

Spot configuration | - Cut off
Specifies the angle of the light cone (between 0 and N/4).
- Exponent
Specifies the graduated shading of the border (between 0 and 128).