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Path Properties

You can set properties for associative and non-associative paths in the Properties pane.

CategoryProperty / Description

Specifies the actor name. This name appears in the Collaboration or Assembly tree and is the default tooltip text.


Specifies the tooltip text that appears when you hover over the actor. The default is the actor name, but you can select a different property or meta-property, or type a text string. To type text, which itself can contain properties, select String and use the Tooltip string property.

Note: By default, labels attached to an actor display the actor's tooltip text. To change this behavior, modify the label's Text property.
Tooltip string

(Available when Tooltip is String.) Specifies the tooltip text. Type your text, optionally with property keywords. For geometry actors, click to display the Text pane, where you can type multiple lines of text and more easily embed properties.

See Text pane for details on property keywords and the Text pane.

Stay on top

Makes the collaborative actor visible even when a geometry actor covers it.

Disabled Enabled
Construct Mode

Specifies how the path is drawn:

  • Real path (associative paths only) - Uses a direct path.
  • Free path (non-associative paths only) - The path is a polyline you can customize.
  • Based on World Axis - Uses the world coordinate system. T he Axes order property defines the axis order.
  • Based on Local Axis - Uses the local coordinate system. T he Axes order property defines the axis order.
Real pathWorld Axis/ Local Axis Free path
Axes order

(Available when Construct mode is Based on World Axis or Based on Local Axis.) Specifies the path axis order: XYZ, XZY, YZX, YXZ, ZXY, ZYX.

Draw Full Path

(Available for associative paths when Construct mode is Real path.) Shows the complete path from the beginning of the animation to the end of the animation. To show the path up to the current animation time only, clear this property. The following example shows a six-second animation after three seconds:


Note: This property has no effect on associative paths from neutral.

Hidden style

(Available when Stay on top is cleared.) Enables Back line properties. A back line passes under actors that are on top. You can define different styles for front and back lines.

Front Line Back Line

Specifies the opacity, from 0 (transparent) to 255 (solid).

Front line/Back line (Back line available when Hidden style is selected)

Specifies the line width, in millimeters.


Specifies the actor opacity (between 0 and 255).


Specifies the line color.


Specifies the line style.

Selects a predefined style.
User definedDefines a custom dashed-line style (see the Dash pattern property).
AdvancedDefines a custom line style using symbols and custom spacing (see the Symbol # n, Symbol size, and Space between symbols properties).
Dash pattern

(Available when Type is User defined.) Defines the line as a repeating series of dashes and spaces of the specified lengths, in millimeters. For example, 2.0 4.0 8.0 8.0 defines a 2 mm dash followed by a 4 mm space followed by an 8 mm dash followed by an 8 mm space, and then repeat.

2.0 2.0 2.0 4.0 8.0 8.0
Symbol #1 Symbol #2 Symbol #3 Symbol #4

(Available when Type is Advanced.) Defines a custom line style consisting of up to 4 different symbols.

Bold arrow
Medium arrow
Thin arrow
Half Sinus up
Half Sinus down
Small round
Symbol size

(Available when Type is Advanced.) Specifies the size of each symbol.

Space between symbols

(Available when Type is Advanced.) Specifies the space between symbols as a multiplier of Symbol size.

-0.5 (overlapping) 0 (touching) 1 (one symbol width)

Displays the border.


Specifies the border line width, in millimeters.


Specifies the border opacity (between 0 and 255).


Specifies the border color.


Specifies the border type.


Specifies the extremity symbol for the line start point.

Bold arrow
Medium arrow
Thin arrow

Specifies the extremity symbol for the line end point.

Bold arrow
Medium arrow
Thin arrow

Specifies the size of the extremity symbol (between 0.5 and 100).

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