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File Menu

File commands let you manage your files, including publishing to many formats, and set application and document properties.

See Also
About the Creation of PDF Templates
About Composer File Types
About Supported Import Formats
High Resolution Image Workshop
Icon Command Name Description
New Project Creates a new Composer project. For details, see New Project.
Open Opens a Composer, CAD, or other supported 3D-format file. For details, see Open.
Tip: You can also open a Composer file (.smg, .smgGeom, .smgXml, or .smgProj) by double-clicking it in Windows Explorer. The Composer application starts if it is not already running.
Update SMG File Updates your scene geometry and metadata from CAD source files. For details, see Update Composer Document.
Update PDF File Updates models in PDF files generated from Composer. To update a PDF file:
  1. Open the PDF file with Composer.

    The 3D model (SMG or U3D) appears.

  2. Edit the model.
  3. Click File > Update > PDF .
Note: You can also use Publish to PDF to create a new PDF file.
Save Saves the active document as an SMG (.smg) or product ( .smgXml) file.
Note: Saving a document does not save changes to its views. Update any modified views before saving the file.
Save As Saves a copy of the active document. You can save to the following Composer formats:
  • Composer (.smg)
  • Composer product (.smgXml)
  • Composer project (.smgProj)
You can also save in 3DXML (the Dassault Systèmes interoperability format), 3ds®, U3D®, VRML, XAML®, and other formats.
  • U3D is the only format which exports Composer animations. Therefore, it is based on the content available in Animation mode. Assembly nodes which are not selected in the Assembly pane will not be exported.
  • The VRML specification requires that node names do not start with a digit. For this reason, when a Composer file is saved to the VRML (*.wrl) format, actors that start with a digit are renamed : the first digit is replaced with the underscore character '_'. For example, an actor called 12345 will be renamed _2345. This does not impact the file name itself.
    Tip: You can preserve the first digit by activating the IOVRMLExportNaming advanced setting in the application preferences. In this case, an actor called 12345 will be renamed _12345. For more information, see Advanced Settings.
Save Package As Saves the active document as an auto-executable file. For details, see Save Package As.
Save Image As Saves the viewport as a raster image using the current High Resolution Image Workshop settings. You can save to the following formats:
  • Bitmap (.bmp)
  • Jpeg (.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe) - Joint Photographic Experts Group format
  • Tiff (.tif, .tiff) - Tagged Image File format
  • Png (.png) - Portable Network Graphics format
Save Video As (Available in Animation Mode only.) Saves your animation as an AVI, FLV, MKV, or MP4 file using the current Video Workshop settings.
Copy Image to Clipboard Copies the current viewport image to the Windows clipboard (captures the screen) so you can paste it (Ctrl+V) into another application.To capture a portion of the viewport, enable Detail View in the High Resolution Image Workshop.
Tip: You can also capture the viewport with Ctrl+K .
Print Prints the current viewport, letting you change print settings first. This command uses the current High Resolution Image Workshop settings.
Quick Print Prints the current viewport without changing print settings. This command uses the current High Resolution Image Workshop settings.
Print Preview Displays the current viewport as it will be printed.
Print All Views Prints all views, letting you change print settings first. If no views are defined, prints the current viewport. This command uses the current High Resolution Image Workshop settings.
Publish to HTML Saves the active document as an HTML Web page. For details, see Publish to HTML.
Publish to PDF Saves the active document as a PDF document. Specify the PDF template to use and the format (U3D®, SMG, or preview image). For U3D format, select additional options. For details, see Publish to PDF.
Send by E-mail Sends the active document by e-mail as an SMG file or self-extracting executable. For details, see Send by E-mail.
Document Properties Lets you view and edit properties for the active document. For details, see Managing (Default) Document Properties.
Default Document Properties Lets you set default document properties, which are applied to new documents. The settings apply to the current user. For details, see Managing (Default) Document Properties.
View XML File Opens the XML scene description file in your default XML editor.
Close Closes the active document.
Application Preferences Lets you set global Composer application settings for the current user. For details, see Accessing and Customizing Application Preferences.
Exit Composer Exits Composer. You are prompted to save documents with unsaved changes.
Recent Documents Lists files you have accessed recently. Click a file to open it.

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