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Interactive Collision Detection Workshop

The Interactive Collision Detection workshop checks whether actors collide with other actors during an animation or when moving a selection.

To display this workshop, click Workshops > Interactive Collision Detection > .

Collisions represent serviceability issues that should be corrected. For example, a collision results when a bolt cannot be removed from an assembly because the access hole is misaligned.

Note: This workshop requires a Composer Check license.

This page discusses:

Working set

The working set lets you specify which actors participate in the test.

Command NameDescription
Selection 1Specifies the moving actors:
  • Current - The current selection
  • Moving - An animation's moving actors
  • Selection set - A named selection set or hotspot
Selection 2Specifies the actors for which to detect collisions:
  • All - All other actors (not in Selection 1)
  • Current - The current selection
  • None
  • Selection set - A named selection set or hotspot
Auto clash in Selection 1Detects if the current selection already contains collided actors.
On visible actors onlyRuns the analysis on visible actors only.

Geometrical transformation

Compute or clear the geometrical transformation.

Command NameDescription
ComputePerforms a precalculation to accelerate future calculations. You must precalculate before activating interactive collision detection.
ClearRemoves the precalculation from memory.

Run application

Activate or stop interactive collision detection.

Command NameDescription
ActivateActivates interactive collision detection. You must perform a precalculation (click Compute) before you can activate interactive collision detection. Once activated, run the animation to check for collisions.
StopDisables interactive collision detection.

Display mode

These options let you control the display mode for collisions.

Command NameDescription
Display modeSpecifies how collisions are displayed:
  • Lite - Collided parts are illuminated.

  • Color - Collided parts are red (Selection 1) and blue (Selection 2).

  • Ghost - Collided parts are displayed. Other parts are displayed in ghost mode.

Stop if clashStops the displacement when a clash occurs during an animation or when the selection is moved in displacement mode. Kinematic conditions are considered.
Zoom in clash(Available when Stop if clash is selected.) Stops the animation and zooms to the clash area when a clash occurs.

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