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Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard accelerators let you perform Composer commands more quickly than graphical commands. This section lists the keyboard shortcuts used by default in Composer.

To create and manage shortcuts, right-click the ribbon and click Customize Quick Access Toolbar. In the Customize dialog box, for Keyboard shortcuts, click Customize.

Note: Single-character shortcuts, such as H to hide an actor, are hardcoded in the application and are not displayed in the Customize dialog box.

AltEnables curve detection mode. Available only in transformation modes: rotate, translate, and explode.
Alt+EnterDisplays the Document Properties dialog box.
EscQuits the current function.
Space BarDisplays Digger.
TabHides temporarily the actor under the mouse pointer.
Tab+ShiftRestores actor visibility, one after the other, after hiding with Tab.
F1Displays the appropriate online help topic (contextual help).
F2 Edits the text (rename).
F4Redoes the last operation (undo).
F11 Toggle full-screen mode.
Shift+clickToggles the selection.
Ctrl+clickAdds to the selection (multi-select).
DeleteDeletes selected actors.
Ctrl+ASelects all.
Ctrl+BToggles actor bounding boxes.
Ctrl+CCopies selected actors.
Ctrl+DDisplays Digger.
Ctrl+ECreates a new view.
Ctrl+FShows/hides the Search pane.
Ctrl+GShows/hides the ground actor.
Ctrl+I Inverts the selection.
Ctrl+J Applies on-demand rendering effects, such as anti-aliasing, to the viewport.
Ctrl+KCopies the current viewport image to the Windows clipboard (captures the screen) so you can paste it ( Ctrl+V) into another application.To capture a portion of the viewport, enable the Detail View in the High Resolution Image Workshop. See High Resolution Image Workshop.
Ctrl+L Toggles viewport lighting.
Ctrl+NDisplays the New Project dialog box.
Ctrl+ODisplays the Open dialog box.
Ctrl+PDisplays the Print dialog box.
Ctrl+R Restores actor's neutral position.
Ctrl+SSaves the active document.
Ctrl+TShows/hides all actors.
Ctrl+VPastes actors.
Ctrl+WShows/hides the ground shadow.
Ctrl+XCuts selected actors.
Ctrl+YRedoes the last operation.
Ctrl+ZUndoes the last operation.
Ctrl+arrow keysPans the camera (same as middle-click).
Shift+arrow keys Rotates the camera (same as right-click).
Alt+Left/Right arrow keys Rolls the camera (same as Alt+right-click).
Ctrl+Alt+F Zooms to fit the model.
Ctrl+Alt+Up arrow Plays/pauses the animation.
Ctrl+Alt+Down arrowStops the animation.
Ctrl+Shift+0 through 9 Ctrl+Shift+P Enables rendering modes.
Ctrl+Shift+BSubscribes the selection to the style.
Ctrl+Shift+FFront/back camera view.
Ctrl+Shift+NApplies the style to the selection.
Ctrl+Shift+RRight/left camera view.
Ctrl+Shift+TTop/bottom camera view.
+ (or Up arrow) Increases navigation speed in Fly Through mode.
- (or Down arrow) Decreases navigation speed in Fly Through mode.
AApplies on-demand rendering effects, such as anti-aliasing, to the viewport.
HHides the selected actor.
IToggles inertia mode.
KKeeps hidden an actor that was hidden with Tab.
P Plays/pauses the animation.
RRefreshes the scene by resetting the OpenGL engine. Use this command if you have graphical display issues.
SShow statistics, such as the number of model actors and triangles, in the lower-right corner of the viewport when navigating the model.
TShows/hides collaboration actors.
XDisplays Digger.

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