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Publishing to HTML

You can publish the active Composer document as an interactive HTML page that will let users replay your Composer experience in Internet Explorer or in Mozilla Firefox.

Note: Dedicated plug-ins are necessary to read Composer content in either Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. It is recommended to install Composer Player (free or with Player Pro), as the necessary plug-ins for both browsers are automatically installed and registered at the same time. In the case of Internet Explorer, you also have the option to accept the installation of this plug-in (based on ActiveX) the first time you access a published Composer HTML experience.

See Also
Publish to HTML (Save As)
About the HTML Output
  1. Click File > Publish > HTML .
    The Publish to HTML dialog box appears.
  2. Choose your options, in particular the options related to HTML Output.
  3. Choose a location and file name and click Save.

    Publishing to HTML creates the following files:

    <name>.htmlThe main HTML file, where <name> is the file name you specify on the Save As dialog box. To display the published Composer document, open this file.
    <name>_filesA folder containing all files that comprise the Composer document, such as product (.smgXml), geometry (.smgGeom), and view thumbnail-image (.jpg) files.
    resourcesA folder containing all files that implement the HTML page, such as JavaScript and CSS files. The resources folder is the same for all published documents so can be shared.
    ComposerPlayerActiveX.cabThe Composer Player plug-in for Internet Explorer. This file can be shared by multiple documents. When distributing HTML output, you must provide this file only if Composer Player is not previously installed on the target computer.
    npComposerWebPlayerPlugin.dllThe Composer Player plug-in for Mozilla Firefox. This file can be shared by multiple documents. When distributing HTML output, Composer Player must be installed on the target computer.

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Web Help Content Version: SOLIDWORKS Composer 2025 SP1

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