Accessing Support Resources
The following resources are available:
- Help
The Help describes how to use the software. It covers all features of the product and how to use it.
- User Forum
The forum ccontains posts from the DraftSight user community. You can ask questions, look for ideas, suggestions, or share opinions.
To access the help:
Do one of the following:
- Clicking Help > Help.
- Clicking Help, or pressing F1 in a dialog box.
- Pressing F1 within a command sequence.
- Clicking Help, or pressing Command + ? in a dialog box.
- Pressing Command + ? within a command sequence.
- Hovering the pointer over an icon to display a tooltip.
Some hints for using the Search tab in help:
- Use wildcards to broaden your search. For example, a search for "draw*" finds "drawn," "drawing," and "drawings."
- Use quotation marks to search for exact strings. For example "Specify entity".
- Click
to create Boolean searches using "AND," "OR," "NOT," and "NEAR."
- Use the following options:
- Search previous results: Uses only the previously found topics for the next search.
- Match similar words: Highlights similar words in the found topics. For example, a search for "open" finds topics with "open" and "opening."
- Search titles only: Finds topics where the keyword is in the title.
Typeface conventions within the help
The following typeface conventions are used in the help.
Commands entered at the command window or chosen from a menu or toolbar are bold:
: Move
Advice on how to respond to command requests, are shown in angle brackets:
Specify entities» <Select the entities to copy>
Specify entities» <Press Enter to end selection>
Point specifications referred to in illustrations are represented as:
Specify first point» <P1>
Specify second point» <P2>
Options and categories
Command options or methods and modes that can be used when prompted, including menu or toolbar names, dialog box captions, area names, buttons, fields, or other controls are bold. For example:
Click Add to create new elements ...
Text in files
Text in customization files uses the Courier typeface:
*Dashdot, _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ .
A, 0.5, -0.25, 0, -0.25
The Home palette contains links to online tutorials and webinars, community resources and support, and the latest CAD news.
To access the user forum:
Do one of the following:
- Click and select User Forum.
- Type UserForum in the command window.
When you click User Forum, DraftSight redirects you to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. Access to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform requires 3DEXPERIENCE credentials.