Installation Location

For installations except administrative image creation, these options apply:

Install selected products to

This is the directory location to which you are installing SOLIDWORKS.

When upgrading or modifying an installation, all files must be installed to the existing location for that installation. In this case, you cannot change the location of the existing SOLIDWORKS installation.

Estimated space required for installation

This is the additional space required for the products selected for installation or modification.

Verify that the disk to which you are installing has sufficient free space to support the installation requirements.

Install from

This is the directory location from which you are installing SOLIDWORKS.

This option appears only if the Install Only option is specified. For details, see Download Options.

Consult your system administrator before changing either SOLIDWORKS installation location.

Administrative Image Locations

When creating an administrative image, these options apply:

New image location

This is the directory location in which SOLIDWORKS Installation Manager will create the new image.

This location cannot contain an existing administrative image.

Estimated space required for image creation

This is the additional space required for the administrative image.

Verify that the disk to which you are installing has sufficient free space to support the image requirements.

Create image from

This is the directory location from which you are installing SOLIDWORKS products.

This option appears only if the Install Only option is specified. For details, see Download Options.

Existing image location

When upgrading an existing administrative image, SOLIDWORKS Installation Manager creates a new image based on the settings for that existing image. This existing image is not modified. This shows the location of the original image you specified on the Welcome screen.

Avoid Using Version-Specific Directory Paths

If you specify a version number in an installation directory location (for example, C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SOLIDWORKS 2023\), and then upgrade that installation to SOLIDWORKS 2024, you will have a SOLIDWORKS 2024 installation directory that is labeled SOLIDWORKS 2023.