You can perform parting line analysis to investigate the best way to split a mold. For each planar face you select to define a direction of pull, you can view the resulting parting line. You can also modify parting lines by rotating a triad to change the direction of pull.
To perform an analysis:
Click Parting Line Analysis
(View toolbar) or .
After you close the PropertyManager, the analysis results remain visible in the graphics area, and they update in real time when you change the geometry of the part.
To edit the analysis parameters:
Click .
To turn off the analysis:
Click Parting Line Analysis
(View toolbar) or .
Analysis Parameters
Direction of Pull |
Select multiple planar faces, linear edges, and axes to define the draw direction. Click Reverse Direction or click the handle in the graphics area to reverse the direction of pull. |
Adjustment triad |
Manipulates the direction of pull to help you visualize and optimize parting line locations. When you drag the rings of the triad in the graphics area, the direction of pull changes, face colors update dynamically, and the following read-only values appear in the PropertyManager:
Angle with X axis
- Angle with Y axis
- Angle with Z axis