Use the SketchXpert to resolve over-defined sketches.
To open this PropertyManager, in an open sketch, click .
If you select Always open this dialog when sketch error occurs, the SketchXpert PropertyManager appears as soon as you over-define 2D or 3D sketches.
Color codes represent the sketch states:
Item is Unsolvable

Item Conflicts

Diagnose |
Generates a list of solutions. Solutions appear under Results.
The relations or dimensions that would be deleted appear under More Information/Options.
Manual Repair |
All relations and dimensions in the sketch appear under Conflicting Relations/Dimensions. |
Cycle through solutions using
. As you select a solution, it is highlighted in the graphics area.
Accept |
Applies the selected solution. The sketch is no longer over-defined. |
More Information/Options
Lists the valid solutions generated when you click Diagnose.
Always open this dialog when sketch error occurs |
Conflicting Relations/Dimensions
Select a conflicting relation or dimension to highlight the conflict in the graphics area.
Suppressed |
Suppresses the relation or dimension. |
Retracts one or more individual deletions. |
Delete |
Removes the selected relation or dimension. |
Delete All |
Removes all relations and dimensions. You cannot use  to undo Delete All, however you can use Undo  (Standard toolbar) to return the sketch to its previous state.
Always open this dialog when sketch error occurs |
Opens dialog when errors occur. |