Performance Evaluation is a tool
that displays the amount of time it takes to rebuild each feature in a part. Use this tool
to reduce rebuild time by suppressing features that take a long time to rebuild. This tool
is available in all part documents.
To use performance evaluation:
Open a part document.
Click Performance
(Tools toolbar) or
Performance Evaluation
dialog box appears with a list of
the following:
- Number of Features
- Number of Solid bodies (includes BREP, mesh, and
hybrid bodies), Graphics bodies, and
Surface bodies.
- Graphics triangle count. This is the total for
all bodies. Higher image quality requires more triangles, which impacts
- Face count. This is the total for
all bodies. It gives you an idea of the complexity of the geometry.
A high face count impacts the model performance and
file size. It also impacts 3D printing performance.
- Total rebuild time in seconds
- Feature Order.
Lists each item in the FeatureManager design tree: features, sketches,
and derived planes. Use the shortcut menu to edit feature definition,
suppress features, and other actions.
- Time %. Displays
the percentage of the total part rebuild time to regenerate each
- Time(s). Displays
the amount of time in seconds that each item takes to rebuild.
- Click Feature Order.
This sorts the features to match the FeatureManager design tree.
Click one of the following:
- Print.
Copy. Copies the Feature Statistics
so you can paste them into another file.
- Click Close.