Mirroring Sheet Metal Features You can mirror selected sheet metal features about a plane at the center of an existing sheet metal part. Sheet metal features you can mirror include:Edge Flange Miter Flange Hem Base Flange/Tab Closed Corner The plane used to mirror the sheet metal feature must be centered between the edges of the base flange. Center the plane to mirror the edge flange between the two edges of the base flange (green arrows). Do not select the edge created by the edge flange as one of the two edges (red arrow). To mirror a sheet metal feature: Create a sheet metal feature. Create and dimension the sketch in a way that allows you to use an existing plane to mirror the sheet metal feature. Create a plane that is centered between the two edges of the base flange. Click one of the following sheet metal features on the Sheet Metal toolbar, or click Insert > Sheet Metal:Edge Flange Miter Flange Hem Base Flange/Tab Closed Corner Click Mirror on the Features toolbar, or click Insert > Pattern/Mirror > Mirror. In the PropertyManager:Under Mirror Face/Plane, select the plane centered between the two edges of the base flange for Mirror Face/Plane . Under Features to Mirror, select the sheet metal feature for Features to Mirror . Click . Parent topicMirroring Sheet Metal Parts Creating Opposite-Hand Versions of Sheet Metal Parts Mirror and Opposite-Hand Disambiguation