Adding Associative Dimensions Into Properties To add associative dimensions into properties: Open the part and display the dimensions to add to properties. Under Property Name, enter a name or choose one from the list. From the Type list, select Text. Click the dimension in the graphics area. The dimension_name@feature@model_name displays under Value / Text Expression. For example, "D1@Extrude1@Block.SLDPRT". Place the cursor at the end of the dimension name and add additional text, such as millimeters. Values are cumulative unless you clear the content in the Value / Text Expression cell. Cumulative values enable you to include dimensions, units, and other text. For example: Click one dimension in the graphics area, enter x in the Value / Text Expression cell, and click additional dimensions in the graphics area to display dimension_name@feature@model_name x dimension_name@feature@model_name. Click any cell in the table. The value of the property displays under Evaluated Value. Dimensions included in properties update when you modify the dimension in the part. Parent topicConfiguration Properties and Properties Summary Tabs Accessing Custom and Configuration Properties Displaying Units in File Properties Adding Properties Linking a Property Value for a Part to the BOM Quantity Editing Properties Editing the List of Custom Properties Deleting Properties Adding Mass Properties