To automatically insert information in a drawing, you can link note
text in the drawing sheet or drawing sheet format to document properties.
add a link in a note, see Link to Property.
All SOLIDWORKS documents have system-defined properties, including the
Property Name |
Value |
SW-Author |
Author field in Properties dialog
box |
SW-Comments |
Comments field in Properties dialog
box |
SW-Configuration Name |
Configuration name
CAD Family tab and
tab of part or assembly
SW-Created Date * |
Created field in Properties dialog
box |
SW-File Name |
document name, no extension
SW-Folder Name |
document folder with backslash
at the end |
SW-Keywords |
Keywords field in Properties dialog
box |
SW-Last Saved By |
Last Saved By field in Properties dialog
box |
SW-Last Saved Date * |
Last Saved field in Properties dialog
box |
SW-Long Date * |
current date in long format
SW-Short Date * |
current date in short format
SW-Subject |
Subject field in Properties dialog
box |
SW-Title |
Title field in Properties dialog
box |
Properties that include date formats are language and region
dependent. For details, see the Control Panel settings on your computer.
drawings have the following system-defined properties:
Property Name |
Value |
SW-Current Sheet |
sheet number of the active sheet
SW-Sheet Format Size |
sheet size of the active sheet
format |
SW-Sheet Name |
name of the active sheet |
SW-Sheet Scale |
scale of the active sheet |
SW-Template Size |
template size of the drawing
template |
SW-Total Sheets |
total number of sheets in the
active drawing document |
SW-View Name |
name of the active drawing view
SW-View Scale |
scale of the active drawing view
You can link a note to the properties of the model shown in the
drawing (the SW-File Name property, for example, or a user-defined custom property
in the model document).
If the property value cannot be found, the note displays
ERROR!<variable name>. To show or hide the error message, click .
A linked note can include additional text, and it can include links
to more than one property. For example, to display the current sheet number and the
total number of sheets, you can add this note:
SHEET $PRP:"SW-Current Sheet" OF $PRP:"SW-Total Sheets"
On the sheet, the property values are displayed:
SHEET 1 OF 2 (on the first sheet of a two-sheet drawing)