
When I click Create Inspection Sheet, no spreadsheet is created. What is wrong?

This can happen because:

  • There is no supported version of Microsoft® Excel® on the computer.
  • The paths to the Microsoft Excel export templates are incorrect.

Values for dimensions and tolerances are rounded to the nearest whole number in the inspection sheet. What is wrong?

This is usually because the cells in the Microsoft Excel template are set to an incorrect number of decimal places. Change the number of decimal places in Microsoft Excel.

Some of the text in notes or hole callouts is unreadable. What is wrong?

This is because of an unmapped character in the font used for dimensions, GTOLs, notes, and hole callouts. To support all attribute types, a special font represents the attribute values. Because of the number of possible characters in the cells, some characters are not part of the font.

Try changing the font in the Microsoft Excel cell to Arial or a standard font.