From SOLIDWORKS, you can open an ECAD file in CircuitWorks.
From SOLIDWORKS, click Open ECAD File
(CircuitWorks toolbar) or .
command () imports IDF files using
CircuitWorks Lite instead of the full version of CircuitWorks. Use
only if you want to create a single part model from your IDF file.
- From the Open ECAD File dialog box, select the ECAD file.
Use Files of type to display only files of specific ECAD file formats, such as IDF 4 File (*.idf) for IDF 4.0 files.
Click Open.
CircuitWorks analyzes the file. If there are no issues, CircuitWorks opens the file, starting a new CircuitWorks session if necessary, and updates the tree view and preview image. If there are warnings, CircuitWorks displays a dialog box. Click OK to ignore the warnings.