Bill of Materials PropertyManager

You can specify properties for Bills of Materials.

To open the Bill of Materials PropertyManager, do one of the following:

  • Click Bill of Materials on the Table toolbar, or with a document open, click Insert > Tables > Bill of Materials.
  • Click the pan icon in the upper-left corner of an existing bill of materials.

BOM Options

Create new table Creates a new drawing table.
Copy existing table Copies a BOM saved from a referenced assembly or part. Select a BOM from the list. Select Linked to link the data in the drawing BOM to the assembly BOM. You can unlink the BOMs but you cannot relink them. Changes made in either BOM are reflected in the other. Formatting is not linked.

Table Template

Open table template for Bill of Materials Choose a standard or custom template. This option is available only during table insertion. The BOM columns match those of the template you select.

Table Position

The stationary corner controls the direction in which the table expands when adding new columns or rows.

The Stationary corner option is not available when you create the table. If the table is anchored on creation, the stationary corner is automatically selected on the drawing sheet in the quadrant nearest the table anchor.
Stationary corner

Top Left

New columns extend to the right and new rows extend below the anchor point.

Top Right

New columns extend to the left and new rows extend below the anchor point.

Bottom Left

New columns extend to the right and new rows extend above the anchor point.

Bottom Right

New columns extend to the left and new rows extend above the anchor point.

Attach to anchor point Attaches the specified corner to the table anchor.

BOM Type

Top-level only Lists parts and subassemblies, but not subassembly components.
Parts only Lists subassembly components as individual items. Does not list subassemblies.
Indented Lists subassemblies. Indents subassembly components below their subassemblies. Select:
  • No numbering
  • Detailed numbering

  • Flat numbering

Flattened Lists quantities of all components in the BOM with no indentation.
  • If you change the BOM Type of an existing BOM, the document file size increases and may slow performance. You can delete the original BOM, then insert a new BOM with the required BOM Type.
  • You can dissolve subassemblies in a bill of materials.
Detailed cut list Displays detailed cut list information when you create a BOM for a document that includes weldment parts.
Dissolve part level rows Dissolves all weldment part level rows automatically.
Calculate quantity using BOM quantity When selected, the software takes the property in BOM Quantity and uses the value as the multiplier. When cleared, the BOM displays the quantity as the number of instances.

BOM Scaling

You can scale the BOM size. Available only after you click the pan icon in the upper left corner of an existing bill of materials in a part or assembly.


Lists quantities in the BOM for all selected configurations. Select configurations manually, or click Select all configurations or Unselect all configurations .
Link to Display State Links a BOM to a display state. Only parts for the linked display states appear in the BOM.
To link a BOM to a display state, under Configurations, select Link to Display State, click and select a display state, then click .

Part Configuration Grouping

Specifies how parts with multiple assembly configurations appear in the BOM.

Display as one item number Uses the same item number for different configurations of a component in different top-level assembly configurations. Each unique component configuration can be present in only one of the assembly configurations in the BOM. This option applies when you create a BOM. If you switch it after the BOM is created, there is no change. When you use this option, set BOM Type to Top-level only.
For example, one configuration of an assembly has the following components:
  • part1 (config_A)
  • part1 (config_A)
  • part1 (config_A)
And another configuration of the same assembly has different configurations of the same component:
  • part1 (config_B)
  • part1 (config_B)
  • part1 (config_B)
A Top-level only BOM that references both assembly configurations with Display as one item number selected appears as:
ITEM NO. PART NUMBER config_A / QTY. config_B / QTY.
1 part1 (config_A) 3 -
1 part1 (config_B) - 3
To see the configuration name in the PART NUMBER column, go to the part document. In the ConfigurationManager tab, right-click each configuration, and click Properties. Under Part number displayed when used in a bill of materials, select Configuration Name. Alternatively, right-click a component in the BOM's assembly structure column and click Component Options. Under Part Number, select Configuration Name, then click .
Display configurations of the same part as separate items If a component has multiple configurations, each configuration appears in the BOM.
Display all configurations of the same part as one item If a component has multiple configurations, the component appears in only one row in the BOM.
Display configurations with the same name as one item If more than one component has the same configuration name, they appear in one row of the BOM. For this option to work properly, Part number displayed when used in a bill of materials in the part must be set to either:
  • The same User Specified Name
  • Configuration Name (if different components in the assembly have the same configuration names)
For example, an assembly has the following components:
  • part1 (config_A)
  • part1 (config_A)
  • part2 (config_A)
When you select Display configurations with the same name as one item, the BOM appears as:
1 part1 3

Keep Missing Item/Row

Controls how to handle replaced components in BOM table.

Strikeout Displays text for the missing item with strikeout formatting.
Replaced components
  • Keep both with new item number for replacement
  • Keep both with same item number
  • Keep item number and do not keep replaced component
  • Assign new item number and do not keep replaced component
Select Replaced components to define how replaced components are handled in the BOM regardless of the Do not change item numbers setting in Item Numbers.

Item Numbers

  Start at Enter a starting item number.
Follow assembly order Orders the BOM item numbers the same as the assembly. When selected, you can select Follow sub-assembly order to order the BOM item numbers the same as the subassembly.
Do not change item numbers Prevents BOM item numbers from updating when you change item numbers elsewhere.


Box Border Specifies a line thickness for the outside border of the table.
Grid Border Specifies a line thickness for the inner gridlines of the table.


Layer In drawings with named layers, select a layer. The table assumes the layer color.

Text Format

All uppercase Specifies that all characters in the table are uppercase.