Action Bar of MySession

You can work on the content of SOLIDWORKS using the action bar commands in MySession.

Table 1. Save
Command Name Description
Save Active Window Using the Save Active Window and Save Active Window as New commands you can save files in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
Save Active Window as New
Table 2. Lifecycle
Command Name Description
Reload from Server Updates the selected revision in a session with the latest version that exists in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
Replace by Revision Opens the Replace by Revision dialog box to replace the revision that is open in session.
Update Revisions Opens the Update Revisions dialog box to choose the type of revision for the objects in an assembly.
Replace by Latest Revision Updates the revision for the selected object with the latest revision.
New Revision Creates a new revision of the selected object on the server and refreshes local information to reflect the new revision.
Maturity Changes the maturity state of an object.
Revisions Displays the revisions, branches, and duplicates of an object.
New Revision From Creates a new revision of the selected object, but you can select the content of a different object.
New Branch Creates a new branch from the selected object.
Table 3. Collaboration
Command Name Description
Lock Locks the selected object.
Unlock Removes the lock status of the selected object.
Change Owner Modifies the owner of the selected objects.
Move To Moves the selected object to another collaborative space and/or organization, and can change its owner.
Table 4. View
Command Name Description
Properties Displays the 3DEXPERIENCE properties of the selected object.
Expand Expands the selected object to display its child parts.
Select Selects an object. You can use it for selecting multiple objects.
Display Side Panel Displays the details of a selected object like the properties, attachments, derived outputs, relations, etc. in a side panel within MySession.
Table 5. Simulation
Command Name Description

In the Simulation tab, you can create structural simulations with Create Structural Simulation command.

This command is available with the activation of Collaborative Designer for SOLIDWORKS role. This command creates a 3DEXPERIENCE simulation object linked to the SOLIDWORKS geometry that you transfer to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

For SOLIDWORKS files that have existing SOLIDWORKS Simulation studies (linear static or nonlinear static studies are supported for transfer), the transfer operation maps the Simulation studies and features to 3DEXPERIENCE analysis cases and simulation features. For each transferred simulation study, a corresponding analysis case is created in a 3DEXPERIENCE simulation object.

To open the created 3DEXPERIENCE simulation object from SOLIDWORKS, you need to activate at least one of the Simulation Roles you have been granted access, Structural Performance Engineer, Structural Mechanics Engineer, or Structural Engineer.

Table 6. Tools
Command Name Description
Replace Content Opens the File Selection Box in which you can select an object that replaces the object selected earlier.
Print Displays the print options for the selected object.
Export Displays the export options for the selected object.
  • Export: Exports information of all the columns of MySession.
  • Export Options:Exports information of the selected columns of MySession.
Export as Package You can export SOLIDWORKS data from the 3DEXPERIENCE platform in form of data exchange packages.
Import Package You can import SOLIDWORKS data to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform in form of data exchange packages.
Customize View Displays the customization options for the selected object.
Set Enterprise Item Number Opens the Set Enterprise Item Number dialog box where you can enter the enterprise item number for parts and assemblies.
Options Displays the multiple options that are related to save and open operations, and the tree view options.
Relations Displays the ecosystem of the related objects by navigating on relationships and paths.
Generate Derived Output Generates a derived output for the selected data. You can choose the type of output format and jobs are created for generating these outputs.
Share as Picture You can share SOLIDWORKS models as pictures to the communities on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
Share as 3D You can share SOLIDWORKS models as 3D files to the communities on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.