MySession Task Pane

MySession displays a tree view of the active SOLIDWORKS objects. You can access the 3DEXPERIENCE platform capabilities from MySession.

The information about the objects is managed in a tabular form. The table below describes the different columns displayed in MySession. To view the hidden columns, click Customize View in the Tools section of the action bar or right-click the tree view and select the column name.

You can reorder the columns by dragging them. To resize the width of a column, either drag the separator or right-click the tree view. If you double-click a column, the order is locked.

Column Name Description
Title The name of the family (without the file extension). You can expand the structure of these objects from this column. An icon is displayed next to the title, which indicates the object type.
The title displays the same name as in the feature tree. If in the feature tree the Title of an object is given the SWTitle, in MySession the Title displays the SWTitle.
The different types of icons available in Design with SOLIDWORKS are:
  • : SOLIDWORKS Assembly
  • : SOLIDWORKS Virtual Component
  • : SOLIDWORKS Drawing
The different types of icons available in SOLIDWORKS Connected are:
  • : SOLIDWORKS Assembly
  • : SOLIDWORKS Virtual Component
  • : SOLIDWORKS Drawing
  • : SOLIDWORKS Representation
  • : SOLIDWORKS Virtual Representation
Component Name Displays the component name used in the SOLIDWORKS FeatureManager design tree. Only the primary settings of the Component Name and Description dialog box are displayed.
Quantity Displays the number of instances associated with an object. The values displayed are based on the selected Tree View type in the Options dialog box.
  • The column is visible when you select the Reference View or FeatureManager Tree View option.
  • The column is empty and hidden for Instance View.
  • As the Tree View settings are applicable for a single object, MySession can display an assembly as a combination of instance and reference views.
Status Displays an icon that represents the status of a given revision of the object in 3DEXPERIENCE. See the table below for information about the different status icons.
Lock Status Displays whether the file is locked. This column is empty if the file does not exist in 3DEXPERIENCE. The lock status is represented by one of the three following icons:
  • : Locked by me.
  • : Locked by another user.
  • : Not locked.
Locked By Displays the first and last name of the person who has locked the corresponding family in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
Rev (Revision) Displays the revision of the object.
Is Last Revision Displays one of the following according to the revision of the object:
  • : This is the latest revision.
  • : A more recent revision exists.
No icon is displayed if the object is not saved in 3DEXPERIENCE.
Maturity State Displays the lifecycle state of the object.
Description Displays the V_Description of the object on the server.
File name Displays the file name with extensions.
Collaborative Space Displays the collaborative space of the object. If the object is not yet saved to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, the field is empty.
Name Displays the PLM external ID of the object for reference objects and the PLM external ID of the connection for instances.
Type Displays the string of the objects that is if the object is a product or a drawing.
Enterprise Item Number Displays the part numbers of parts and assemblies.
CAD Format Displays the CAD Format icons for the object. The icons are:
  • : Represents a SOLIDWORKS object (.SLDPRT, .SLDASM, or .SLDDRW).
  • : Represents a CATIA object.
  • : Represents an INVENTOR object.
  • : Represents a SOLIDEDGE object.
  • : Represents a CREO object.
  • : Represents a NX object.
  • : Represents an ALTIUM object.
  • : Represents a CADENCE object.
  • : Represents a 3DEXPERIENCE object.
Convert Displays the status of the conversion of the SOLIDWORKS file to CATPart or CGR. The status is represented by the following icons:
  • OK: Conversion is successful.
  • Running: Conversion is in progress.
  • KO: Conversion has failed.
  • NA: Conversion not requested.
  • : Conversion status is not known. The icon changes after the MySession content is refreshed.
For SOLIDWORKS assemblies and drawings, the icons are displayed to show the conversion status of the parts in the structure.
Instance Name Displays the instance name of an object.
Creation Date Displays the date on which the object was created.
Modification Date Displays the date the object was last modified.
Responsible Displays the information about the owner of the object.
Table 1. Status Icons
Status Icon Description
The object is new in the SOLIDWORKS session and does not exist in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
The object is opened from the 3DEXPERIENCE Vault View but it is not saved in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
The object's local file is older than the version saved in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
The structure associated with the object is changed in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. To get the updated assembly structure, use Reload from Server.
Indicates that a file has been modified by synchronization since it was last opened from the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
The object exists in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform and is modified after downloading it from the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
The object is in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform and is modified in SOLIDWORKS.
The object is in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform and is not modified after downloading it from the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
The object is eligible for the Replace from package operation.
The object is imported from the package.
The object is a part of the asynchronous save process.
The referenced assembly is not downloaded or available in the local cache. Also, the usual shortcut menu options are not active for this object. This object is a proxy for the missing referenced assembly and is not used for Part to Part relations.
This status is applicable only for the objects that are created using the Make Multibody Part command in SOLIDWORKS.