Top Bar of MySession

The top bar of MySession provides different options to define the preferences, search for the physical products, and open recently accessed 3DEXPERIENCE Web Apps. Some apps open in the task pane without switching windows.

To access the top bar options, click .

Option Description
Preference Displays information about the collaborative space and the tenant that you are using.

The different options on this page are:
  • 3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Displays the name of the tenant to which you are connected.
  • Credentials:Displays the title of the collaborative space that you have logged into. You can change the current collaborative space without logging out or closing the active session. When you switch from a private collaborative space to a public collaborative space, some data is not visible based on the Administrator settings.
  • Display Work Under: Hides or display the Work Under icon.
  • Work Under Postion: Specifies the position of the Work Under icon: Lower-left corner, Lower-right corner, or Upper-right corner.
    You can decide the position of Work Under only when you select Display Work Under.

Lets you search for objects of type physical products in MySession by entering the search criteria in the search bar.

To enter search criteria, click from the top bar of MySession, and then click .

The search is performed for the structure that is open in MySession and the first row that matches the search criteria is highlighted. You can enter any form of search criteria such as the maturity state or the file name. The search takes place in the entire structure through the visible rows and columns. If there are multiple rows that match the search criteria, a search navigation box appears. It displays the search count and navigation options.
  • : To move to the next search result.
  • : To move to the previous search result.
  • : Select all the rows that match the search criteria.
The search supports only the * and ? special characters.
Refresh Refreshes the current session.