Publishing as a Picture

You can share a copy of your models as a picture with communities on the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform using the Publish as Picture command.

To publish as a picture:

  1. From the Tools tab of the action bar, click Publish as Picture .
  2. Optional: From the list, select the tenant.
    This choice is available only if you are using multiple tenants.
  3. Select whether to share to a Community or as a Conversation.
  4. Select the publication options.
    Option Description
    Media Is embedded in Posts, Questions, Ideas, Wiki Pages, answers and comments.
    Post Is a blog article that you can edit using the rich text editor. You can categorize and enrich the post by adding media like: images, videos, audio files, 3D Models, documents, and drawings
    Question Allows you to ask questions to all the members of a given community and receive collaborative replies.
    Idea Is a starting point to create and innovate, by sharing knowledge to community members. Ideas go beyond posts; they are assessed by other users and statuses are applied to obtain community validation.
  5. Based on the choice made as Community or Conversation in step 3, one of the following is displayed.
    • Community - Lists the communities that you are a member of.
    • Conversation - Lists the members in your community.
    For the publication types as Question and Idea Conversation option is not available.
  6. Enter the Title and Description for the publication.
  7. Optional: Select Display on What's New to post a media on the What's New page of the community.
    The preview of the picture is displayed after the description of the Post.

    This option is available only when you select Media to Post.

  8. Click Publish.
A notification pop-up is displayed specifying the status of the publication.