Converting Mesh BREP to Standard BREP

You can use the Convert Mesh to Standard command to convert mesh BREP faces with recognized geometry to standard BREP faces.

This functionality works for mesh BREP or hybrid mesh bodies that have recognized geometry. The functionality works best for meshes with well-defined planar, cylindrical, conical, and spherical geometry that do not have significant noise.

Benefits: Standard BREP geometry is more functionally complete than mesh or hybrid geometry.

To convert mesh BREP with recognized faces to standard BREP:

  1. Open a model that has mesh BREP or hybrid mesh bodies with segmented and recognized faces.
    This meshed model has been segmented into cylindrical, spherical, and planar faces.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • Right-click a body and select Convert Mesh to Standard .
    • Click Insert > Mesh > Convert Mesh to Standard .
    • Click Convert Mesh to Standard (Mesh Modeling CommandManager).
  3. In the PropertyManager, under Select Body, select bodies to convert segmented, recognized mesh BREP faces to standard BREP faces.

    Colors indicate faces that are recognized or unrecognized. You can specify these Recognized mesh face and Unrecognized mesh face colors in Tools > Options > System Options > Colors > Color scheme settings.

    This entire model is recognized as one Convert Mesh to Standard feature, shown as a green Recognized mesh face, as indicated in the legend in the lower-right corner of the graphics area.

  4. Click to convert the recognized segmented mesh BREP faces to standard BREP faces.

    The converted standard BREP faces appear in the FeatureManager® design tree with the Convert to Standard BREP name and icon .