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SolidWorks.Interop.SWRoutingLib Namespace




Allows access to the Routing Highlight Search tool in an electrical (ECAD) drawing and electrical route assembly.


Allows access to Auto Route.


Allows access to a cable.


Allows access to properties that are common to all cables.


Gets the protective covering, such as tape or corrugated tubing, for bundles of wires and cables.


Allows access to an electrical flattened route.


Allows access to electrical route data: cables and wires.


Allows access to the properties of an electrical route.


Allows access to a ribbon cable.


Manages routing in an assembly.


Allows access to the characteristics of a route.


Allows access to the properties of a routing component.


Allows access to a wire.


Allows access to the properties of a wire that can be shared among wires.


swAdvancedRouteSelectionOutput_e Highlight Search output types.
swAutoRouteAutoTangencyMode_e AutoRoute tangency modes.
swAutoRouteConversionMode_e AutoRoute conversion modes.
swAutoRouteErrorType_e AutoRoute error types.
swAutoRouteSketchEntitiesTypes_e Types of sketch entities through which to create an auto route.
swComponentCrossSectionType_e Types of cross sections for user-defined routes for active routing components.
swComponentRouteType_e Route types.
swCPointConfig_e Connection point (also called CPoint) configurations.
swElectricalRouteSubType_e Electrical route sub-types.
swElectricalStreamType_e Electrical stream types.
swExportTubeDataReportType_e Report types of exported tube data.
swFlattenRouteErrorType_e Types of route flattening errors.
swForceUpdateElectricalDataError_e Electrical data force update status.
swMinimumBendRadiusChecks_e Minimum bend radius checks.
swPointToPointAutoRouteConversionMode_e Auto Route routing path styles.
swPointToPointAutoRouteErrorType_e Types of Auto Route creation errors.
swRouteComponentTypeID_e Route components.
swRouteType_e Route types.
swRoutingExportDataError_e Statuses for routing data export.
swRoutingExportPipeDataError_e Statuses for pipe data export.
swSetRoutePathForWireErrorType_e Route path for wire
swUserPreferenceRoutingDouble_e Routing user preferences whose values are of type double.
swUserPreferenceRoutingFileLocations_e User preferences for routing file locations.
swUserPreferenceRoutingInteger_e Routing user preferences whose values are of type integer.
swUserPreferenceRoutingToggle_e Routing user preferences whose values are turned on and off.
swWireRouteError_e Routing status.

See Also

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