
If a SOLIDWORKS part or assembly document has multiple configurations, you can select which configurations to save to the eDrawings file when you publish it from the SOLIDWORKS application. If you publish multiple configurations, the file size and the time required to save the eDrawings file may increase.

This information is specific to one or more CAD systems. See the eDrawings Functionality Matrix for availability information.

Configuration names appear in the bottom of the window to indicate the active configuration.

Comments are specific to the configuration that was active when you added the comments.

In assemblies, eDrawings displays component configuration names next to part names for components that have multiple configurations.

Configurations in SOLIDWORKS Parts

You can specify configurations of a SOLIDWORKS part to be available when you open the part in eDrawings®.

In the SOLIDWORKS software, set configurations with Add Display Data Mark to view the configurations in eDrawings.

See SOLIDWORKS Online Help: Opening Part Configurations in Quick View Mode.

Configurations in SOLIDWORKS Assemblies

When you open SOLIDWORKS assemblies in eDrawings, you can access all of the assembly configurations that were saved in Large Design Review mode.

Publishing Configurations of eDrawings Files

When you publish an eDrawings file, the file goes in your temp folder. To save the published file, you need to click File > Save As.

To publish configurations of eDrawings files:

  1. In SOLIDWORKS, click Publish to eDrawings (Standard toolbar) or File > Publish to eDrawings.
  2. In the Save Configurations to eDrawings file dialog box, in the column, select configurations to save.
  3. Click OK.
  4. In eDrawings, click Configurations .
    The Configurations pane displays images of the saved configurations.
  5. To display a different configuration in the graphics area, select its image on the Configurations pane.

Display States

If you publish a model with display states, the display states appear in a Display States section on the eDrawings Configurations pane. To see a display state, select it from the list on the pane.

Only files saved in the eDrawings format have a Configurations tool that you can use to change display states. Files in SOLIDWORKS format are fixed, displaying the configuration and display state at the time of publishing.

When publishing models from SOLIDWORKS, you can choose to save all display states, the current state, or a selected state.

You can change the visibility and transparency of components, but the changes are available only during the current eDrawings session. You cannot change the color and texture of components.

When you publish SOLIDWORKS assemblies as eDrawings assemblies, display state data (for the selected configurations in the Save Configurations to eDrawings file dialog box) is stored in the eDrawings assembly files.

Display states are linked or unlinked based on the setting in the SOLIDWORKS assembly at the time of publishing the eDrawings assembly file from SOLIDWORKS. When the display states are linked to the configuration, only the display states that are associated with the selected configurations are published.

For linked display states, the Configurations pane shows Display States (Linked).

The component-level display state functionality is not yet supported in eDrawings.

Textures are not supported in the display state data.