Collaborative Spaces

When you save and upload files to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, collaborative spaces are where you store, share, and manage your content.

If you are a new user, the Common Space appears as your active collaborative space in the Save to 3DEXPERIENCE dialog box and in MySession > Edit preferences unless your administrator assigns you to another space.

The permission levels for members are:
  • A contributor can read the content.
  • An author can edit and create the content.
  • A leader can share the content.
  • An owner can manage the list of members.

Depending on their roles and permissions, you can invite team members to review and perform lifecycle actions, such as adding comments or making revisions to your SOLIDWORKS files.

You can have multiple collaborative spaces but you can only connect to one collaborative space at a time. The active collaborative space is also the location that your File > Open menu accesses to retrieve files from the platform.

The default collaborative space that installs with SOLIDWORKS Connected is private. You can invite members with the same roles to your collaborative space to share models. You can also create more collaborative spaces for specific projects.