Creating Holes Using the Hole Wizard

Practice using the Hole Wizard by creating some temporary holes and then removing them.

This set of steps and the next give you practice creating Hole Wizard holes. However, because these holes are not part of the model design, you remove them after placement. If you prefer, you can skip the Hole Wizard practice and work on fillets.
  1. Click Top (Heads-Up View toolbar).
  2. Click Hole Wizard (Features tab).
  3. In the PropertyManager, on the Type tab, under Hole Type, select:
    • Countersink for the hole type.
    • Ansi Metric in Standard.
    • Flat Head Screw - ANSI B18.6.7M in Type.
  4. Under Hole Specifications, select M6 in Size.
  5. Under Options:
    1. Select Head clearance.
    2. Set Head Clearance to 1.
    3. Select Added C'Bore in Head Clearance Mode to apply additional head clearance as a 1mm counterbore.
  6. Select the Positions tab.
  7. In the graphics area, click the base cylinder inside the ring boss, then click again above the center hole to place a hole.
    The hole position does not need to be exact. You later move the hole to the centerline.
  8. Move the pointer under the center hole so the inference centerline appears, then click to place another hole.
  9. Press Esc to stop inserting holes.
  10. Drag the first hole onto the inference centerline.
  11. Click to close the Point PropertyManager.