Sketching the Circle

The first feature in the part is a cylinder extruded from a sketched circular profile.

  1. Click Extruded Boss/Base on the Features tab.
    The Front, Top, and Right planes appear in the graphics area.
  2. Move the pointer over the Top plane to highlight it, then click to select it.
    The display changes so that the Top plane is facing you. A sketch opens on the Top plane.
  3. Click Circle on the Sketch tab.
    The Circle PropertyManager opens in the left pane.
  4. Move the pointer over the origin .
    The pointer changes to . This indicates a coincident relation between the center of the circle and the origin.
  5. Click to place the center point on the origin.
  6. Move the mouse and notice a preview of the circle dynamically follows the pointer.
  7. Click to finish the circle and click in the PropertyManager.
    The size of your sketch entities does not need to be exact. You later add dimensions to specify the size of sketch entities.