Completing the Lip on the Part In the Offset Entities PropertyManager, under Parameters, set Offset Distance to 2. The preview shows the offset extending outward. Select Reverse to change the offset direction. Click . A set of lines is added to the sketch, offset from the outside edge of the selected face by 2mm. This relation is maintained if the original edges change. Click Exit Sketch (Sketch tab) to exit the sketch. The Cut-Extrude PropertyManager appears. Under Direction 1, for End Condition, select Blind and specify the Depth as 20. You might need to click Flip side to cut to place the cut on the outer face of the part. Click . The material between the two lines is cut, creating the lip. Click Zoom to Fit (Heads-up View toolbar). Parent topicLesson 2 - Assemblies Previous topic Creating a Lip on the Part Next topic Changing the Color of a Part