- Study PropertyManager
You use the Study PropertyManager to create a new Plastics study or edit an existing one.
- Simulation Type PropertyManager
The Simulation Type PropertyManager displays the available analysis modules - Fill, Pack, Warp, and Cool - for the active plastics study.
- Opening Legacy Studies
You can import plastics studies created in SOLIDWORKS Plastics 2020 in SOLIDWORKS Plastics 2021 and modify them as usual.
- Choosing the Analysis Procedure: Solid or Shell
Numerical simulation uses discrete approximations of continuum mechanics. Good numerical methods seek to balance accuracy, robustness, and performance.
- Saving Plastics Studies
It is good practice to save your work as you set up and run the simulation, and before you close the session.
- Analysis Manager
The Analysis Manager displays the progress of the active analysis and provides options to suspend or resume the analysis.