SOLIDWORKS Rx analyzes your system, suggests possible solutions, and captures data that can help technical support personnel diagnose problems.

  • In Microsoft Windows, click Start > SOLIDWORKS Tools version > SOLIDWORKS Rx version .


The Diagnostics tab helps you locate and download the correct graphics driver at

Status shown in the Diagnostics tab for different system and graphics card combinations on your machine:

Machine Status Fields Displayed



Graphics Card

Certified only for previous version of SOLIDWORKS

All system and graphics card related fields


Not certified

Graphics Card

Certified only for previous version of SOLIDWORKS

Graphics card related information



Graphics Card


All system and graphics card related fields



Graphics Card


All system and graphics card related fields
If you have no internet connection, the status shows the error icon .

System Maintenance

The System Maintenance tab lets you clear your computer of SOLIDWORKS and Windows temporary files that may be causing a slowdown in the computer's performance.

You can select the following directories for clean-up:
  • SOLIDWORKS backup directory
  • SOLIDWORKS temporary directory
  • Windows temporary directory
  • temporary internet files
3DEXPERIENCE users can also select the following directories:
  • Temporary SWCEF cache directory
  • 3DEXPERIENCE temporary directory

These tasks are not enabled by default. You need to run them to clear temporary files for troubleshooting. The files in these folders get remade when you use SOLIDWORKS normally.

To run any of these tasks, click Start Maintenance at the upper right of the System Maintenance tab.

Problem Capture

The Problem Capture tab lets you:
  • record a video of the problematic steps
  • log performance profiling data, including disk and CPU activity from running processes, or connection issues with the 3DEXPERIENCE platform
  • package the SOLIDWORKS files
  • and write a description of the problem

To use the Problem Capture tab:

  1. For Capture, do the following:
    1. Select one of the following log options:
      • Include extended logging data
      • Include 3DEXPERIENCE debug logs
      The issues contained in the 3DEXPERIENCE debug logs include:
      • Errors launching SOLIDWORKS Connected or the Design with SOLIDWORKS app.
      • Problems with establishing a connection between SOLIDWORKS and the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
      • Problems while opening and saving SOLIDWORKS content to and from the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
    2. Before recording, select the Source to capture the video. For example, to focus on a monitor screen, select Monitor-1 or Monitor-2.
    3. Click Record Video.
  2. If you record a video and SOLIDWORKS is not actively running, SOLIDWORKS Rx starts a new session. A floating dialog box stays on top of your SOLIDWORKS session.
    1. In the Capturing Problem dialog box, click Start Recording.
    2. Then click Finish Recording.
  3. For Package, click Add Files to add parts, drawings, or assembly files into a zip file, and click Package files.
  4. For Describe, enter a description of the problem and save it on your system or submit a service request, and click Continue.
  5. Follow the prompts to complete any remaining steps.
    You can rename the zip file, save it on your hard disk, and send it to Technical Support for evaluation.


The Reliability tab provides information about SOLIDWORKS sessions that have terminated in the past 60 days.

To use the Reliability tab:

  1. In the daily summary chart, click a session with an information icon informationbluecircleicon.gif. To scroll through the days in the calendar, click the left or right arrow on the side of the chart.

    The color coded dots indicate the following:

    • Blue dots indicate that sessions terminated normally.
    • Orange dots indicate that sessions were terminated by a user.
    • Red dots indicate that sessions were terminated unexpectedly.
  2. For sessions that were terminated by a user or were terminated unexpectedly, the Session Ending section lists Windows events (for example, driver crashes or network failures) that were logged 5 minutes before termination. Click the arrow in the title bar to expand or collapse data.
  3. For sessions that terminated unexpectedly, the Reliability tab displays a call stack of that session. A call stack is a list of calls made by the software before it terminated, with the module and memory address of each call.

    This section displays how many sessions in the past 60 days have the same stack. Click the number in Sessions with the same stack to display this list. This data can help you or your VAR identify persistent issues that might be causing the software to terminate.

  4. The tab also lists data on Windows installation events, including the installation of Windows drivers and patches.

When you create a SOLIDWORKS Rx zip file from the Problem Capture tab, data from the Reliability tab is automatically included in the zip file.

Hardware Benchmarks

The Benchmark tab of the SOLIDWORKS Rx dialog box has a link to, where you can learn about running SOLIDWORKS and computer-related benchmarks. SOLIDWORKS benchmark performance information can help you determine if your system qualifies to run SOLIDWORKS effectively.

To run the SOLIDWORKS performance benchmark, on the Benchmark tab of the SOLIDWORKS Rx dialog box, click Start Benchmark.