- 3D XML Files
- 3DPDF Export Options
Use System Options - 3DPDF to specify accuracy for the output file.
- ACIS Files (*.sat)
The ACIS™ translator supports import and export of body and face colors, curves, and wireframe geometry.
- Adobe Illustrator Files (*.ai)
You can import Adobe® Illustrator® files into SOLIDWORKS and export SOLIDWORKS models and drawings as Adobe Illustrator files. SOLIDWORKS also supports the Adobe Illustrator Creative Cloud platform.
- Adobe Photoshop (*.psd) Files
You can import Adobe® Photoshop® (.psd) files and save SOLIDWORKS data (sketches, parts, assemblies, and drawings) as Adobe Photoshop files. SOLIDWORKS data saved as Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf) files are also accepted in Photoshop.
- Assemblies Saved as Parts Export Options
- Autodesk Inventor Files
The Autodesk Inventor® Part translator imports Autodesk Inventor part and assembly files as SOLIDWORKS part documents. The imported part files can contain features or geometry only.
- CADKEY Files
The CADKEY® translator imports CADKEY part and assembly files as SOLIDWORKS part or assembly documents. CADKEY files have a .prt or .ckd file extension.
- Importing CATIA V5 Part and Product Files
You can import CATIA® V5 CATPart and CATProduct files with SOLIDWORKS Standard and SOLIDWORKS Professional having 3DEXPERIENCE (Design with SOLIDWORKS) add-in, with SOLIDWORKS Premium, SOLIDWORKS Ultimate, or with 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS.
- DXF 3D Files
The DXF 3D translator extracts ACIS information from a DXF file, if that information exists in the file, and imports it into a SOLIDWORKS part document. If a DXF file contains multiple bodies or an assembly, SOLIDWORKS creates an assembly document.
- DXF/DWG Files (*.dxf, *.dwg Files)
You can import and export DXF/DWG files.
- eDrawings
In eDrawings®, you can view and animate models and drawings and create documents convenient for sending to others.
- GLTF and GLB Extended Reality Files
SOLIDWORKS supports the import and export of extended reality files.
- Highly Compressed Graphics Files
The Highly Compressed Graphics (HCG) translator exports SOLIDWORKS documents as Highly Compressed Graphics files.
- HOOPS Files
The HOOPS translator exports SOLIDWORKS part or assembly documents as HOOPS (.hsf) files.
- IDF Files
Using CircuitWorks Lite, you can import Intermediate Data Format (IDF) circuit board files (.emn, .brd, .bdf, .idb) and create solid models of the circuit boards and their components. The model is a single part with the board and each component as extruded features.
- IFC Files
You can export SOLIDWORKS files as Industry Foundation Classes .ifc files (either IFC 2x3 or IFC 4.0) for use in software applications commonly used in the building supply chain.
- IGES Files (*.igs, *.iges)
The IGES translator can import and export IGES surfaces and BREP solids.
- JPEG Files
The JPEG translator takes a snapshot of anything displayed in the graphics window of a SOLIDWORKS part, assembly, or drawing document, and exports it as a .jpg file.
- Mechanical Desktop Files
The MDT translator imports part and assembly information from Mechanical Desktop® (MDT) files as SOLIDWORKS part or assembly documents.
- Parasolid Files (*.x_t, *.x_b)
- Adobe Portable Document Format (*.pdf) Files
You can export SOLIDWORKS part, assembly, and drawing documents as Adobe® Portable Document Format (PDF) files and part and assembly documents as 3D PDF.
- Saving SOLIDWORKS Files as Portable Network Graphics Files
You can save SOLIDWORKS files as *.png files.
- Pro/ENGINEER and Creo Parametric Files
The Pro/E & Creo to SOLIDWORKS Converter imports and exports Pro/ENGINEER® and Creo Parametric files, including PTC Creo 9.0 files.
- Rhino Files
Rhino® files (*.3dm) provide NURBS and analytic surfaces for free-form shapes.
- SMG Export Options
You can specify the export options when you export SOLIDWORKS assemblies as SMG files.
- Saving Configurations to SOLIDWORKS Composer Files
If a SOLIDWORKS part or assembly file has multiple configurations, when you save the file as a Composer file, you can choose which configuration to save to the Composer file.
- Solid Edge Files
The Solid Edge® translator imports the Parasolid information of Solid Edge parts (including sheet metal parts) or assemblies into SOLIDWORKS part or assembly documents. Only the Parasolid information is extracted, not the proprietary feature information.
- Step Files (*.step)
The STEP translator supports import and export of body, face, and curve colors of STEP AP214 files. The STEP AP203 standard does not have any color implementation.
- Mesh Files (*.stl, *.obj)
You can import mesh (*.stl, *.obj, *.off, *.ply, *.ply2), VRML (*.wrl), and 3D manufacturing format (*.3mf) files.
- TIFF Files (*.tif)
- TIFF, Photoshop, and JPEG Export Options
You can set the export options when you export SOLIDWORKS documents as TIFF, Adobe® Photoshop®, or JPEG files.
- Unigraphics Files
The Unigraphics translator imports the Parasolid information of a Unigraphics® part or assembly into a SOLIDWORKS part or assembly document. Only the Parasolid information is extracted, not the proprietary feature information of a Unigraphics part.
- VDAFS Files (*.vda)
VDAFS is a neutral file format for the exchange of surface geometry.
- VRML Files (*.wrl)
VRML files can display 3D graphics over the Internet.
- XPS (XML Paper Specification) Files
You can create XPS (XML Paper Specification) files and open the files in the eDrawings Viewer or XPS Viewer.
- Import and Export File Version Information
SOLIDWORKS supports the following file types listed below for importing and exporting. SOLIDWORKS supports all versions for any file types not listed below.