- Sketch Ink Toolbar
You can use pen and touch with compatible touch-enabled devices to create freehand sketch strokes and convert them into sketch geometry. This toolbar is available for touch-enabled devices.
- Touch Tool
The Touch
tool on a touch-enabled device allows you to draw sketches on the screen with your finger.
- Sketch Fillets
The Sketch Fillet tool trims away the corner at the intersection of two sketch entities to create a tangent arc. This tool is available for both 2D and 3D sketches. The Fillet tool on the Features toolbar fillets entities such as edges in parts.
- Sketch Chamfers
The Sketch Chamfer tool applies a chamfer to adjacent sketch entities in 2D and 3D sketches. This tool is available for both 2D and 3D sketches. The Chamfer tool on the Features toolbar chamfers entities such as edges in parts.
- Offset Entities
Offset one or more sketch entities, selected model edges, or model faces by a specified distance. For example, you can offset sketch entities such as splines or arcs, sets of model edges, loops, and so on.
- Convert Entities
You can create one or more curves in a sketch by projecting an edge, loop, face, curve, or external sketch contour, set of edges, or set of sketch curves onto the sketch plane.
- Silhouette Entities
You can create multiple sketch entities by projecting the outline of the bodies in a part or components in an assembly onto a parallel sketch plane.
- Intersection Curves
- Face Curves
You can extract iso-parametric (UV) curves from a face or surface. Applications of this functionality include extracting the curves for imported surfaces and then performing localized cleanup using the face curves.
- Trim Entities
Select the trim type based on the entities you want to trim or extend. All trim types are available with 2D sketches and 2D sketches on 3D planes.
- Extend Entities
You can add to the length of a sketch entity (line, centerline, or arc). Use Extend Entities to extend a sketch entity to meet another sketch entity.
- Split Entities
You can split a sketch entity to create two sketch entities. Conversely, you can delete a split point to combine two sketch entities into a single sketch entity. Use two split points to split a circle, full ellipse, or a closed spline.
- Jogging Sketch Lines
You can jog sketch lines in 2D or 3D sketches in part, assembly, and drawing documents. Jog lines are automatically constrained to be parallel or perpendicular to the original sketch line.
- Make Path
Use the Make Path tool to create machine design layout sketches. For example, you can model cam profiles where the tangent relation between the cam and a follower automatically transitions as the cam rotates. A path enables you to create a tangent relation between a chain of sketch entities and another sketch entity.
- Construction Geometry
You can convert sketch entities in a sketch or drawing to construction geometry. Construction geometry is used only to assist in creating the sketch entities and geometry that are ultimately incorporated into the part. Construction geometry is ignored when the sketch is used to create a feature. Construction geometry uses the same line style as centerlines.
- Mirror Entities
Select Mirror Entities
to mirror pre-existing 2D sketch entities on a plane, and then select the entity about which to mirror. If you want to first select the entity about which to mirror, and then sketch the entities to mirror, select Dynamic Mirror Entities
- Dynamic Mirror Sketch Entities
Select the Dynamic Mirror Entities tool to first select the entity about which to mirror, and then sketch the entities to mirror.
- Move, Copy, Rotate, Scale, or Stretch Entities
Move, copy, replace, rotate, scale, or stretch entities in sketches and drawings with the Move-Copy-Rotate-Scale-Stretch PropertyManager.
- Align Grid/Origin PropertyManager
By default, the origin of a block is aligned to the orientation of the sketch entity. Use Align Grid/Origin to re-orient the coordinate system of a sketch or block if they are not in the desired orientation.
- Modify Sketch Dialog Box
Use the Modify Sketch tool to move, rotate, or scale an entire sketch. To move, rotate, scale, or copy individual sketch entities, use the Move, Rotate, Scale, or Copy entities tools.
- Replace Sketch Entities
The Replace Entity command lets you replace one sketch entity with another without breaking downstream references (unless the downstream reference requires the same type of geometry, such as mates). For example, if you replace a line with a spline, downstream features that reference faces created by that spline, will rebuild successfully.
- Repair Sketch
The Repair Sketch tool finds, and in some cases repairs, sketch errors.
- Sharing Sketches
You can use the same sketch to create different features.
- Closing Sketches to Models
Closes a sketch with an open profile, using existing model edges.
- Sketch Picture
- Sketch Patterns
Create linear or circular sketch patterns using elements from sketch entities you intend to pattern or model edges.