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Edge Weld Definitions

Surface Normal, Us: Axis is normal to the top...Weld Joint Normal, Uj: Axis is normal to the intersecting shell edge of the terminated part and oriented away from the part...Joint Normal Force A component of the weld force (Tj) acting normal to

Simulation > Loads and Restraints > Connectors > Edge Weld

Default Options - Plot - Static Study

SX: X Normal stress...SY: Y Normal stress...SZ: Z Normal stress TXY: Shear in Y direction on YZ plane TXZ:...

Simulation > Simulation Options > Default Options

On Flat Face

the other two directions (Dir 2 and Normal) to zero enforces this condition...Along face direction 1 Along face direction 2 Normal to face Rotations (for shells only...About face direction 1 About face direction 2 About normal to face

Simulation > Loads and Restraints > Fixtures

Using a Model Face

in the direction normal to the face...Along face direction 1 Along face direction 2 Normal to face Rotations (for shells and beams only...About face direction 1 About face direction 2 About normal to face

Simulation > Loads and Restraints > Fixtures > Using Reference Geometry

Default Options - Plot - Nonlinear Study

SX: X Normal stress...SY: Y Normal stress...SZ: Z Normal stress TXY: Shear in Y direction on YZ plane TXZ:...

Simulation > Simulation Options > Default Options

Using a Reference Plane

direction normal to the plane...Along plane direction 1 Along plane direction 2 Normal to plane Rotations (for shells and beams only...About plane direction 1 About plane direction 2 About normal to plane

Simulation > Loads and Restraints > Fixtures > Using Reference Geometry

Default Options - Plot - Drop Test Study

SX: X Normal stress...SY: Y Normal stress...SZ: Z Normal stress TXY: Shear in Y direction on YZ plane TXZ:...

Simulation > Simulation Options > Default Options

Output of Linear Static Analysis

... reaction force EPSX = X Normal strain...EPSY = Y Normal strain...EPSZ = Z Normal strain GMXY = Shear ...

Simulation > Analysis Background > Linear Static Analysis

Defining Nonuniform Force Loads

Normal to plane...To apply nonuniform force normal to a face...Normal force to the selected faces is applied by default

Simulation > Loads and Restraints > Structural Loads > Force/Torque Loads

Defining Uniform Pressure Loads

To apply a uniform pressure normal to a face...On the Type tab under Type, select Normal to selected face...If you select a face or a plane for direction, select one of the following components: Along Plane Dir 1 , Along Plane Dir 2 , or Normal to Plane...

Simulation > Loads and Restraints > Structural Loads > Pressure Loads

Contact/Friction Force

Normal and friction forces develop on faces of components with No Penetration, Shrink Fit and Virtual Wall contact types...Normal...This total force is the resultant of the Normal and Friction forces calculated at each node of the selected entities

Simulation > Viewing Results > Listing Results

Ply Angle

and the Z direction is normal to the ply surface...The green arrow is aligned normal to the surface stripes...The blue arrow is normal to the surface

Simulation > Composite Shells

Edge Weld Results

Joint Normal Force...Shear-Surface Normal Force...Positive joint normal forces indicate that the top face of the terminated shell is in compression

Simulation > Loads and Restraints > Connectors > Edge Weld > Defining a Weld Check Plot

Plotting Principal Stresses

The state of stresses at a point is completely defined by normal and shear stress components in reference to an orthogonal coordinate system XYZ...and the state of stresses is completely defined by 3 normal stress components...These 3 normal stress components are referred to as principal stresses

Simulation > Viewing Results > Plotting Results

Connector - Elastic Support

... on all selected faces. Normal...Stiffness normal to the faces. Shear . Stiffness in the plane of the ...

Simulation > Loads and Restraints > Connectors

Analyzing Circular Models

Note that you cannot use this option if tangential loads exist since the cut planes can deform normal to...If the model has a circular pattern and the loads are such that the cut sections cannot deform normal to their planes, you can analyze a...If the loads are such that the cut sections can deform normal to their

Simulation > Loads and Restraints > Fixtures > Symmetry

Strain Plot

EPSX: X Normal Strain...EPSY: Y Normal Strain...EPSZ: Z Normal Strain GMXY: Shear in Y Direction on YZ

Simulation > Viewing Results > Plotting Results

Factor of Safety Wizard

... Mohr-Coulomb Stress criterion The Maximum Normal Stress criterion For options with composite shell...

Simulation > Simulation Fundamentals

Defining Nonuniform Pressure Loads

To apply nonuniform pressure normal to a face...Under Type, select Normal to selected face...If you select a face or a plane for direction, select one of the following components: Along Plane Dir 1 , Along Plane Dir 2 , or Normal to Plane...

Simulation > Loads and Restraints > Structural Loads > Pressure Loads

Defining Uniform Force

If you select a plane or a face for direction, specify at least one of the following components: Along Plane Dir 1 , Along Plane Dir 2 , or Normal to...To apply uniform force normal to faces...Select Normal

Simulation > Loads and Restraints > Structural Loads > Force/Torque Loads

Drop Test Setup

If you select a reference plane or planar face, the velocity is applied in the direction normal to the reference plane or the planar...select a reference plane or planar face, the gravity is applied in the direction normal to the reference plane or the planar face...Sets the stiffness per unit area normal to the impact plane

Simulation > Simulation Studies > Simulation Analysis Options > Drop Test Analysis Options


normal to the selected faces or it can be applied in some other direction...For example, hydrostatic pressure is normal to faces, while the snow on a...applied normal to the narrow face (across the thickness) of the shell

Simulation > Loads and Restraints > Structural Loads > Pressure Loads

Specifying Directions

A reference plane (or a planar face) defines two directions in its plane and a normal...The normal is obvious...Similar to a reference plane, a planar face defines two directions in its plane and a normal

Simulation > Simulation Fundamentals

Analysis Procedure - Modal Time History

contains the normal modes...Equation 2) The normal modes and eigenvalues of the system are derived from the solution of the eigenvalue problem...Equation 5) The normal modes satisfy the orthogonality property, and the modal matrix...

Simulation > Analysis Background > Dynamic Analysis


For example, if you apply a force that is normal to a full cylindrical...Normal to plane...Sets the value of the force component normal to the plane or face

Simulation > Loads and Restraints > Structural Loads > Force/Torque Loads