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Hide/Show Edges PropertyManager

Border on planar faces which are normal to the viewing direction (except for tangent edges that border non-planar faces of full round fillets

Composite Laminate as an Orthotropic Material

...: Maximum von Mises Stress Maximum Shear Stress (Tresca) Mohr-Coulomb Stress Maximum Normal Stress

Simulation > Composite Shells

Nonlinear - Solution

a) Applied normal load on undeformed geometry...The load direction is updated, and remains normal to the deformed geometry for each...If checked, the direction of the applied load (uniform pressure, normal force, torque) is updated for every

Simulation > Simulation Studies > Simulation Analysis Options > Nonlinear Analysis Options

Mate Callouts

...: Flip Mate Alignment Switches the alignment of vectors normal to the mated faces. The vectors can ...

Assemblies > Mates > Visualizing Mate Systems

Hole Series (First Part) PropertyManager

... for the fastener. Fit. Select a fit for the fastener: Close, Normal, or Loose. Options The Options ...

Parts and Features > Features > Holes > Hole Series

Initial Conditions

If you select a planar face or a reference plane, you can specify initial conditions Along Plane Dir 1 ,Along Plane Dir 2 , or Normal to Plane...

Decals Mapping Cylindrical

... an axis or edge, a reference plane is created normal to axis or edge at its end point. About axis ....

Edge Flange Characteristics

... Rectangle Default direction of the edge flange is normal to the base flange at the edge. Creating ...

List Stress

Lists the normal and shear stresses at the nodes of each element defined in Range...List normal and shear stresses

Simulation > Viewing Results > Listing Results

Multiple Application of Displacement Restraints

As an example, if you fix Face 1 completely and prescribe a normal motion of 0.01” at Face 2, a contradiction arises at the common edge

Mirroring Sheet Metal Parts

... as well. The only bends that are not mirrored are those that are normal to and coincident to the ...

Sheet Metal > Sheet Metal Parts

Summary of Force and Torque Load Options

Reference Geometry Entities Required Input Normal Force Uniform Faces of solids and shells, and ...

Simulation > Loads and Restraints > Structural Loads > Force/Torque Loads

Dowel Pin Symbols

: The face containing the hole must be normal to the plane of the currently active view. You cannot...

Detailing and Drawings > Annotations

Volume Select

A planar face or reference plane: The rectangle is drawn on that plane, and the display changes to be normal to that plane

Fillet Surface

... on a surface. Click Reverse Face Normal for a face set to reverse the fillet direction. You cannot ...

Parts and Features > Features > Surfaces > Surface Controls


... at two opposite ends. A uniform normal pressure is applied to the shell. The following schematic ...

Simulation > Loads and Restraints > Fixtures

Electrical Analogy of Heat Conduction

proportional to the temperature difference between the two points (T1-T2) divided by their separation (Dx) and the area normal to the direction of

Loft with Centerline

. The sketch planes of all the intermediate sections are the centerline. The centerline can...

Parts and Features > Features > Lofts

Connector - Spring

shells. Normal Stiffness or Radial Stiffness...Stiffness normal to the faces or the edges of shells. ...

Simulation > Loads and Restraints > Connectors > Spring

Factor of Safety Wizard

Maximum Normal stress...If you selected Max normal or Mohr-Coulomb criterion for a beam material, the software uses the tensile strength as the allowable stress

Deform Point Examples

The pull direction is normal to the face...Using a point on a vertex is a predictable way to locate the deform when the normal to adjacent faces is the desired pull direction...If the point you select is on a plane, the pull direction is normal to the plane

Parts and Features > Features > Deform > Deform Point

Deviation Analysis PropertyManager

...vertex in the mesh, the software calculates the closest point normal to the surface. Curve to mesh ...

Import/Export > Scan to 3D

Nonlinear - Advanced Options

Sets stiffness singularity elimination factor (normal solution if set to 1; if less than 1.0, the program...If normal solution fails, trying a different value, for example 0, may help

Simulation > Simulation Studies > Simulation Analysis Options > Nonlinear Analysis Options

Assemblies Options

Set options for normal use (with Large Assembly Mode off) as...Disables automatic save of your model. (Set in Backup Options for normal use...

SolidWorks Fundamentals > Options > System Options

Adding a Camera and Positioning the Camera Sled

Drag the Field of View to compose the shot by using the viewport for reference Drag the Field of View rectangle up and down, the camera axis, to adjust the angle of view of the model

Motion Studies > Animation > Creating Animations > Camera-Based Techniques > Camera Sleds