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Edge Weld Results

Joint Normal Force...Shear-Surface Normal Force...Positive joint normal forces indicate that the top face of the terminated shell is in compression

Simulation > Loads and Restraints > Connectors > Edge Weld > Defining a Weld Check Plot

Parting Surface PropertyManager

Sets the parting surface normal to the surface of the parting line...Reverse Alignment (Available for Normal to surface when two faces adjacent to the parting edge are almost parallel.) Changes the face to which the...For Tangent to surface or Normal to surface.) Sets the angle from perpendicular to the direction of pull

Mold Design > Parting Surfaces

Displaying Annotation Views

Displays the annotation view normal to its plane...Displays the annotations contained in the selected view and displays the annotation view normal to its plane

Detailing and Drawings > Annotations

Plotting Principal Stresses

The state of stresses at a point is completely defined by normal and shear stress components in reference to an orthogonal coordinate system XYZ...and the state of stresses is completely defined by 3 normal stress components...These 3 normal stress components are referred to as principal stresses

Simulation > Viewing Results > Plotting Results

Connector - Elastic Support

... on all selected faces. Normal...Stiffness normal to the faces. Shear . Stiffness in the plane of the ...

Simulation > Loads and Restraints > Connectors

Analyzing Circular Models

Note that you cannot use this option if tangential loads exist since the cut planes can deform normal to...If the model has a circular pattern and the loads are such that the cut sections cannot deform normal to their planes, you can analyze a...If the loads are such that the cut sections can deform normal to their

Simulation > Loads and Restraints > Fixtures > Symmetry

Orthotropic Material

...grain (fiber) direction; the radial axis (2) is normal to the growth rings; and the tangential axis...

SimulationXpress > Using SolidWorks SimulationXpress > Assigning Material > Using a Custom Material

Bearing Loads for Circular Holes in Shells

The bearing force acts normal to the selected edges or faces and has the following distributions:

What's New > Simulation > Connectors

Example of Linear and Natural Ribs

part. Linear. The rib extends normal to the direction of the end contour until it meets a boundary. ...

Fixtures in SolidWorks Simulation

Specify a sliding condition where a planar or non-planar face can slide but cannot move in the normal direction

SimulationXpress > Beyond SolidWorks SimulationXpress > What More Can I Do With SolidWorks Simulation

Selecting Features to Measure

Selection order is especially important when you select Normal to Origin Feature in the Analysis Results PropertyManager under Analysis...Select Normal to Origin Feature

Tolerancing > TolAnalyst > Establishing the Measurement

View Toolbar

Normal To is a view perpendicular to any selected face or...Normal To...Normal to selected plane or face;...

Moving from 2D to 3D > Moving from 2D to 3D > Command Map

Rib PropertyManager

Normal to Sketch...Creates the rib extrusion normal to the sketch...Creates a rib that extends the sketch contours normal to the direction of the sketch until they meet a boundary

Parts and Features > Features > Ribs

Standard Views Toolbar

... Left Two View - Vertical Right Four View Link Views Bottom Isometric Trimetric Dimetric Normal To

SolidWorks Fundamentals > Display > Manipulating Views

Strain Plot

EPSX: X Normal Strain...EPSY: Y Normal Strain...EPSZ: Z Normal Strain GMXY: Shear in Y Direction on YZ

Simulation > Viewing Results > Plotting Results

Miter Flange - Sketch Creation

The sketch plane must be normal to the first edge where the Miter Flange is created...A sketch opens normal to the selected edge


SolidWorks infers from the pointer motion whether you want a tangent or normal arc...Moving the pointer in a normal direction creates a normal arc...between tangent and normal arcs by returning to the end point and moving away in a new direction

Sketching > Sketch Entities

Summary of Failure Criteria

... tensile and compressive strengths Maximum normal stress...normal and shear strengths of the composite.

Simulation > Checking Stress Results > Failure Criteria

Creating Grooves

To make adding dimensions and selecting sketch entities easier, click Normal To (Standard Views toolbar) to change the view orientation so it is...normal to the sketch plane

Toolbox > SolidWorks Toolbox Overview > Grooves

Factor of Safety Wizard

... Mohr-Coulomb Stress criterion The Maximum Normal Stress criterion For options with composite shell...

Simulation > Simulation Fundamentals

Defining Nonuniform Pressure Loads

To apply nonuniform pressure normal to a face...Under Type, select Normal to selected face...If you select a face or a plane for direction, select one of the following components: Along Plane Dir 1 , Along Plane Dir 2 , or Normal to Plane...

Simulation > Loads and Restraints > Structural Loads > Pressure Loads

Defining Uniform Force

If you select a plane or a face for direction, specify at least one of the following components: Along Plane Dir 1 , Along Plane Dir 2 , or Normal to...To apply uniform force normal to faces...Select Normal

Simulation > Loads and Restraints > Structural Loads > Force/Torque Loads

Multi-Threaded Retrieval

... another document. After the retrieval is complete, SolidWorks changes to the normal edit state.

Drop Test Setup

If you select a reference plane or planar face, the velocity is applied in the direction normal to the reference plane or the a reference plane or planar face, the gravity is applied in the direction normal to the reference plane or the planar face...Sets the stiffness per unit area normal to the impact plane

Simulation > Simulation Studies > Simulation Analysis Options > Drop Test Analysis Options

Example of Extrude - Direction of Extrusion

entities Reference planes Planar faces Preview - normal extrude Sketch entity used for Direction of