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  • Make sure all words are spelled correctly.
  • Try different search words.
  • Try more general search words.
  • Consider the following seach syntax rules:
    • The default behavior is to search for all search words in any order. (eg: word1 word2 gives the same results as word2 word1)
    • Use quotes for exact wording (eg: "word1 word2")
    • Use * as a wildcard (eg: wor*)
    • Use AND, OR, and ( ) logical operators (eg: (word1 OR word2) AND word3)
    • Use - or NOT to exclude words (eg: word1 -word2 or word1 NOT word2)
    • Use NEAR for proximity search (eg: word1 NEAR word2)
    • Use OPT for optional words (eg: word1 OPT word2)
    • Use title to search only the topic title (eg: title:word)
    • Use spellslike for approximate spelling search (eg: spellslike:wrod)
    • Use soundslike for phonetic spelling search (eg: soundslike:werd)
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