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Move/Copy Body PropertyManager

In multibody parts, you can move, rotate, and copy solid and surface bodies, or place them using mates.

To open the Move/Copy Body PropertyManager:

Click Move/Copy Bodies (Features toolbar) or Insert > Features > Move/Copy.

Bodies to Move/Copy

Solid and Surface or Graphics Body to Move/Copy Select the bodies in the graphics area to move, copy, or rotate. The selected bodies move as a single entity. The bodies that are not selected are treated as fixed. A triad appears at the center of mass of the selected bodies.
  Copy Select to copy bodies, and set a value for Number of Copies . Clear to move the bodies instead of copying them.
Number of Copies  


select_edges_vertex.png Translation Reference Sets the translation direction. Select an edge or vertex in the graphics area.
, , Delta X, Delta Y, Delta Z Sets the values to reposition the bodies.
dim_lin_d.png Distance Available when you select an edge for Translation Reference select_edges_vertex.png. Sets the translation distance. Type a negative number to switch the translation direction.
select_point.png To Vertex Available when you select a vertex for Translation Reference select_edges_vertex.png. Select a second vertex. The bodies move to the second vertex.


Set values or use the triad to rotate the bodies.

select_edges_vertex.png Rotation Reference Select an edge or a vertex in the graphics area to define the rotation axis.
, , X Rotation Origin, Y Rotation Origin, Z Rotation Origin Set values for the coordinates of the rotation origin (the point that the bodies rotate about). The default values are the coordinates of the center of mass of the selected bodies.
, , X Rotation Angle, Y Rotation Angle, Z Rotation Angle Set values for the angle around the X, Y, and Z axes.
Angle Available when you select an edge for Rotation Reference select_edges_vertex.png. Sets the value for the rotation angle.

Bodies to Move

Select Constraints to apply mates between bodies. Set the options in the panes below.

Solid and Surface or Graphics Body to Move/Copy Select bodies in the graphics area to move when the mate is applied. The selected bodies move as a single entity. The bodies that are not selected are treated as fixed.

Mate Settings

Entities to mate Select two entities (faces, edges, planes, etc.) to mate together.
  Add Click to add the mate after selecting a mate type and setting parameters below. Click Undo to clear selections.
  Select a mate type. All the mate types are always shown in the PropertyManager, but only the mates that are applicable to the current selections are available.
coincident.png Button Coincident  
Distance Select, then set Distance. Select Flip Dimension to change the direction.
Angle Select, then set Angle.
  Mate Alignment Select one of the following:

Aligned mate_aligned.png Button

Places the bodies so the normal or axis vectors for the selected faces point in the same direction.

Anti-Aligned mate_antialigned.png Button

Places the bodies so the normal or axis vectors for the selected faces point in opposite directions.


The Mates box contains all the mates in the mate set (all the mates added while the PropertyManager is open). When there are multiple mates in the Mates box, you can select one to edit that mate.
In multibody parts, you can apply multiple sets of mates to the same body. Mates specified within different sets can conflict with each other. For example, you can apply a perpendicular mate between two faces in one set, and in a different set, apply a parallel mate between the same two faces.


Show preview When selected, a preview of a mate occurs when you make enough selections for a valid mate.

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