Automatically Update Project Level Reports

When printing, exporting, or archiving reports and terminal strips, you can ensure that the project data is up to date automatically.

Use Update generated drawings in the Projects configuration dialog box lets to automatically update data in reports and terminal strip drawings before printing, exporting, or archiving.

To automatically update project level reports:

  1. Click Project tab > Configurations > Projects .
  2. In the dialog box, click the General tab > Options section.
  3. From the Update generated drawings menu, select an option.
    Never Processes reports, design rules, and terminal strip drawings in the current state. Any recently made changes might be absent from the output.
    Ask me (default) Displays a message with the following options:
    Update drawings Updates all reports, design rules, and terminal strip drawings before running this command.
    Continue action without updating Runs the command without updating drawings.
    Cancel Exits the current command.
    Always Automatically updates the files before processing the command (no message is displayed).