LDAP Settings Dialog Box

Use the LDAP Settings dialog box to configure a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) login. This requires LDAP programming skills.

To display this dialog box:

Click (toolbar) or Tools > Default Settings. Select LDAP login.


Use this section to select your LDAP server.

Server name Enter the LDAP server name or IP address. Click Test Settings to test.
Port Enter the server port used for LDAP. The default is 389.


Choose the contexts to allow access. Users in these contexts are listed in the SOLIDWORKS PDM administration tool.

Contexts Text Entry Field Add at least one context with users that should be available in the administration tool. These must be entered as distinguished names.

For example CN=Username,OU=department,O=company.

Contexts Display Area Displays a list of distinguished names.
User prefix Enter the user prefix.

For example, use "CN=" in CN=Username,OU=department,O=company.

Add After you enter a distinguished name in the Contexts Text Entry Field add it to the Contexts Display Area.
Remove Select a distinguished name in the Contexts Display Area and remove it from the list.


Enter a context, and designate a user name and password for each user on the server.

Context Enter a context for a user. For example, use "OU=department,O=company" in CN=Username,OU=department,O=company.
Username Enter a user name that exists in the selected user context on the LDAP server. This account is used by the archive server to connect to the LDAP server.
Password Enter the password for the user.

Click Test Settings to validate LDAP settings.